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OpenId Authentication Requirements


Allow users to Authenticate themselves using an OpenId provider.

Allow users to signup for an account using an OpenId and prepopulate
the signup page with a userid, name and email address supplied by their OpenId profile.

Login Flow

  1. Show New Form with Text Box and Sign-in button for OpenIds on login_page.
  2. Process form with new page openid_login.
    • Check openid entered exists on database (and is not blocked).
    • use OpenId library to check authorisation (return to page openid_complete).
    • any errors go back to login_page with error message.
  3. User authenticates on OpenId server.
  4. Process response from the OpenId server.
    • If the user cancelled signin or some error occurred then go back to login_page with error message.
    • Retrieve the user_id associated with this OpenId from the database.
    • Login user to mantis, if fail then back to login-page (NB api change needed as we have no password).
  5. Display the page user started login process from or the default home page.
    • Complication - need to save the login success page while authorisation is checked.

Signup Flow

  1. Show New link on login_page for signup using OpenId.
  2. Click link to get openid_signup_page. This is a form for the user to enter their OpenId.
  3. Process form with new page openid_login.
    • Check openid entered does not exist on database.
    • use OpenId library to check authorisation (return to page openid_complete).
    • request that openid returns nickname, fullname and email. (and avatar ?)
    • any errors go back to openid_signup_page with error message.
  4. User authenticates on OpenId server and (possibly specifies which field values to send back).
  5. Process response from the OpenId server.
    • If the user cancelled signin or some error occurred then go back to openid_signup_page with error message.
    • Display signup_page with nickname and email values; add extra fields fullname and openid (read-only).
  6. Process signup_page as normal checking that username (nickname) and email (?) are not already in use.
    • Any errors - reshow signup_page with appropriate message.
    • Add user to database - api change needed to supply fullname and add an mantis_openid_table record.

Implementation Notes

  • Use a third party library to implement OpenId support such as the PHP OpenID library by JanRain, Inc.
  • Implement as a plug-in
  • For security do not use openid uri returned from forms once the user has authenticated, use the value returned from the openid library or one stored in a session. NB do not use cookies either.
  • Passing back multiple values returned by the signup request may be easier with a class than with procedural code.
  • account_page needs to allow a user to add/remove openids.
  • should manage_user_edit_page allow an administrator to add/remove openids for a user ?

Database Changes

  • new table mantis_openid_table
    create table user_openids (
    openid_url varchar(255) not null,
    primary key (openid_url),
    user_id int not null,
    index (user_id)
  • When a row in mantis_user_table is deleted all associated rows from mantis_openid_table should also be deleted.


  • OpenId library will need to be downloaded and added to php include path.

Implementation Log

Other Changes


Is the JanRain library the best one to use?
JanRain libraries seem popular in the php and python communities,
but in the java world the Acegi Spring security project developers have replaced JanRain with
OpenId4Java (see


  • Please provide feedback
mantisbt/issue/8199.1199013416.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/10/29 04:36 (external edit)

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