Introducing MantisHub – MantisBT as a Service

MantisHub Logo

MantisBT has been known for being easy to setup across a variety of platforms due to it being a PHP app that is designed to reduce installation friction.  However, often users wanted a quicker way of getting started.  They didn’t want to worry about setting up a web server, installing MantisBT, managing it, doing backups, upgrades, and being on point to answer support questions. Continue reading “Introducing MantisHub – MantisBT as a Service”

MantisTouch v1.2.3 Released

This MantisTouch release provides several fixes (see changelog) including the following.

  • Remove usage of short php tags which were causing issues in some environments.
  • Some strings were not localizable.
  • Fixes relating to handling of some unicode characters on some of the pages.
  • Provide more descriptive error messages for several failure scenarios.
  • Fix PHP error on issue report page.

Continue reading “MantisTouch v1.2.3 Released”

MantisTouch v1.2.2 Released

For those not familiar with MantisTouch:

“MantisTouch was developed to provide mobility to MantisBT. As a web app, MantisTouch provides a mobile optimized user interface for iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone. MantisTouch uses web services to access the bugtracking data allowing it to be installed on the same or a different server than MantisBT.”

This release provides several fixes Continue reading “MantisTouch v1.2.2 Released”