Custom field not found.

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Detailed error information

  • Full path: /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/core/custom_field_api.php
  • Line number: 122

Stack trace

# Filename Line Class Type Function Args
0 /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/core/custom_field_api.php 122 - - trigger_error <string>'1300', <integer>256
1 /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/core/custom_field_api.php 924 - - custom_field_cache_row <boolean>false
2 /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/core/columns_api.php 359 - - custom_field_get_definition <boolean>false
3 /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/core/helper_api.php 515 - - column_get_custom_field_column_name <boolean>false
4 /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/manage_columns_inc.php 68 - - helper_get_columns_to_view <integer>3, <boolean>false, <integer>0
5 /var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/manage_config_columns_page.php 50 - - include <string>'/var/www/mantisbt-2.25.2/manage_columns_inc.php'