Search Changesets

MantisBT: master-2.0.x 542d7087

2012-02-25 05:57

Paul Richards

Details Diff
Remove unused function
mod - core/helper_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master-2.0.x 5f8f6887

2012-02-25 05:46

Paul Richards

Details Diff
xhtml fixes
mod - core/html_api.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_email_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_work_threshold_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_workflow_page.php Diff File

MantisBT: master-2.0.x 40f4e288

2012-02-25 05:40

Paul Richards

Details Diff
Move to css
mod - config_defaults_inc.php Diff File
mod - core/obsolete.php Diff File
mod - css/default.css Diff File
mod - manage/config_email_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_work_threshold_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_workflow_page.php Diff File

MantisBT: master-2.0.x ba89c2e2

2012-02-25 04:01

Paul Richards

Details Diff
use sprintf over str_pad for performance
mod - core/bug_api.php Diff File
mod - core/bugnote_api.php Diff File
mod - core/project_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master-1.2.x c55f3517

2012-02-24 17:30


Details Diff
Updated disposable email checker to v1.1.1

Here is the change log for v1.1.1:

2011.08.19 - 1.1.1
- 36 disposable forwarding email providers.
- 132 disposable trash email providers (24 new).
- 1 disposable shredder email provider.
- 42 disposable time bound email provider.
- 83 free email providers (1 new).
mod - library/disposable/changelog.txt Diff File
mod - library/disposable/disposable.php Diff File
mod - library/disposable/license.txt Diff File
mod - library/disposable/readme.txt Diff File

MantisBT: master-1.2.x fd34163a

2012-02-24 16:38


Details Diff
Center logo on signup page.

The logo is now centered on the following pages:
1. login_page
2. signup_page
3. signup
mod - core/html_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 79c04ca2

2012-02-24 03:02


Details Diff
Fix 0013937: Fix check_selected and check_checked functions

These functions were originally designed very loosely with respect to
input data types. This was causing problems in numerous areas where
strings were being compared with integers, etc.

Both functions have been modified such that an error will be generated
when the types are inconsistent. This will force developers to properly
consider the types of variables when coding with MantisBT, ensuring less
likelihood of bugs arising from "1.1"=="1.10", 0=="" comparisons, etc.

Most if not all elements of the UI with drop-down boxes, check boxes,
radio boxes and lists have been thoroughly tested after these changes.
The default state of these UI fields should once again match default
configuration values in config_inc.php, current values of the
field/filter, etc. This greatly improves the usability of the UI.
Affected Issues
mod - account_prefs_inc.php Diff File
mod - bug_report_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_update_advanced_page.php Diff File
mod - core/filter_api.php Diff File
mod - core/helper_api.php Diff File
mod - core/html_api.php Diff File
mod - core/plugin_api.php Diff File
mod - core/print_api.php Diff File
mod - core/profile_api.php Diff File
mod - manage_custom_field_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_cat_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - manage_user_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - tag_update_page.php Diff File

MantisBT: master b22da397

2012-02-24 01:43


Details Diff
Add missing quotation marks around array key in tag_view_page

With maximum error handling enabled, this threw a fatal error: undefined
mod - tag_view_page.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 1f515b3a

2012-02-23 22:15


Details Diff
Fix 0013937: Filter dropdown values of [any], [none], etc not saved

Damien Regad <> and Roland Becker
<> reported an issue whereby filter dropdowns would
always select the meta filter option of [any] by default, even if the
active filter was set to another value.

The cause is incorrect logic within both the check_checked and
check_selected functions dating back to issue 0007995 in 2007.
Documentation has been added inline to the code to clarify how these
functions work and the gotcha to do with == vs. === comparisons.
Affected Issues
0007995, 0013937
mod - core/helper_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master-1.2.x 37c2b0ac

2012-02-23 20:24


Details Diff
Fix typo

Added missing '$' in front of variable name
Error introduced by 081ca2874b96dcde64d9911e339971d0f91ecd65

Affects 0013938
mod - core/print_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 8bb88e75

2012-02-23 20:24


Details Diff
Fix typo

Added missing '$' in front of variable name
Error introduced by a939b3e70f8082b47967d680483ef1242be0af30

Affects 0013938
mod - core/print_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master d6fc8aa8

2012-02-22 03:26


Details Diff
Fix 0013941: Missing newlines in Word export Affected Issues
mod - print_all_bug_page_word.php Diff File

MantisBT: master-1.2.x 3b20a69c

2012-02-22 03:20


Details Diff
Fix 0013941: Missing newlines in Word export Affected Issues
mod - print_all_bug_page_word.php Diff File

MantisBT: master a939b3e7

2012-02-21 11:39


Details Diff
Avoid error when editing bug with invalid version

When editing an issue having the Product Version field set to a version
number which is not defined in the issue's current project (which can
happen when the issue has been moved from another project, or a version
has been deleted from the current project), APPLICATION ERROR 1601 -
Version "" not found occurs.

The error occurs because the version field in the bug table is not
cleared when the issue is moved, so when Mantis is building the version
selection list to edit the bug, it tries to add the version defined in
it to the list, which triggers the error since that version does not
exist in the current project.

Regression caused by commit 0ffb20f8807fc600750690e201ebf5fb325e7bfc

Fixes 0013938
Affected Issues
mod - core/print_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master-1.2.x 081ca287

2012-02-21 11:39


Details Diff
Avoid error when editing bug with invalid version

When editing an issue having the Product Version field set to a version
number which is not defined in the issue's current project (which can
happen when the issue has been moved from another project, or a version
has been deleted from the current project), APPLICATION ERROR 1601 -
Version "" not found occurs.

The error occurs because the version field in the bug table is not
cleared when the issue is moved, so when Mantis is building the version
selection list to edit the bug, it tries to add the version defined in
it to the list, which triggers the error since that version does not
exist in the current project.

Regression caused by commit a68398245663d25229800638b6965ffe6e7ab0d3

Fixes 0013938
Affected Issues
mod - core/print_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 57e20055

2012-02-21 10:48


Details Diff
Fix 0013935: Version-based filtering not possible

Commit a68398245663d25229800638b6965ffe6e7ab0d3 for bug 0013096
introduced a regression in version-based filtering due to not properly
dealing with selected version parameter when passed as an array.
Affected Issues
0013096, 0013935
mod - core/print_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master-1.2.x 84c6fe6a

2012-02-21 10:48


Details Diff
Fix 0013935: Version-based filtering not possible

Commit a68398245663d25229800638b6965ffe6e7ab0d3 for bug 0013096
introduced a regression in version-based filtering due to not properly
dealing with selected version parameter when passed as an array.
Affected Issues
0013096, 0013935
mod - core/print_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 26db7ae2

2012-02-20 08:04


Details Diff
Fix 0013696: Show absolute_path_default_upload_folder on edit project page

Fix of 0008250 did the same for the create project page
Affected Issues
mod - manage_proj_edit_page.php Diff File

MantisBT: master-1.2.x 125af4e4

2012-02-20 07:46


Details Diff
Fix 0013696: Show absolute_path_default_upload_folder on edit project page

Fix of 0008250 did the same for the create project page
Affected Issues
mod - manage_proj_edit_page.php Diff File

MantisBT: master f5106be5

2012-02-15 20:41


Details Diff
Fix 0013901: SOAP API allows invoking methods without proper authentication

Note: only applied to 1.2.x not 'next', as the code is changing anyway
Affected Issues
mod - api/soap/mc_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master-1.2.x 5e9ead33

2012-02-15 20:39


Details Diff
Fix 0013901: SOAP API allows invoking methods without proper authentication

Note: only applied to 1.2.x not 'next', as the code is changing anyway
mod - api/soap/mc_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master-2.0.x 73175a92

2012-02-15 11:30

Paul Richards

Details Diff
refactor - add print_successful_operation function to standardise formatting on form processing pages
mod - account_prefs_update.php Diff File
mod - account_sponsor_update.php Diff File
mod - account_update.php Diff File
mod - bug_file_add.php Diff File
mod - bug_reminder.php Diff File
mod - core/print_api.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_columns_reset.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_columns_set.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_email_set.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_revert.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_work_threshold_set.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_workflow_set.php Diff File
mod - manage/custom_field_create.php Diff File
mod - manage/custom_field_delete.php Diff File
mod - manage/custom_field_update.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_cat_delete.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_cat_update.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_create.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_custom_field_add_existing.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_custom_field_remove.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_custom_field_update.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_subproj_add.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_subproj_delete.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_user_remove.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_ver_add.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_ver_delete.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_ver_update.php Diff File
mod - manage/user_create.php Diff File
mod - manage/user_delete.php Diff File
mod - manage/user_proj_delete.php Diff File
mod - manage/user_prune.php Diff File
mod - manage/user_reset.php Diff File
mod - manage/user_update.php Diff File
mod - print_all_bug_options_reset.php Diff File
mod - print_all_bug_options_update.php Diff File
mod - proj_doc_add.php Diff File
mod - proj_doc_delete.php Diff File
mod - proj_doc_update.php Diff File

MantisBT: master-2.0.x 8a0bca47

2012-02-13 10:12

Paul Richards

Details Diff
Fix xhtml rendering
mod - my_view_inc.php Diff File

MantisBT: master-2.0.x 12766d17

2012-02-13 05:16

Paul Richards

Details Diff
Update require_once for manage/ path layout
mod - manage/columns_copy.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_columns_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_columns_reset.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_columns_set.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_email_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_email_set.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_revert.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_work_threshold_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_work_threshold_set.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_workflow_graph_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_workflow_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/config_workflow_set.php Diff File
mod - manage/custom_field_create.php Diff File
mod - manage/custom_field_delete.php Diff File
mod - manage/custom_field_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/custom_field_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/custom_field_proj_add.php Diff File
mod - manage/custom_field_update.php Diff File
mod - manage/overview_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/plugin_install.php Diff File
mod - manage/plugin_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/plugin_uninstall.php Diff File
mod - manage/plugin_update.php Diff File
mod - manage/plugin_upgrade.php Diff File
mod - manage/prof_menu_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_cat_add.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_cat_copy.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_cat_delete.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_cat_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_cat_update.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_create.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_create_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_custom_field_add_existing.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_custom_field_copy.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_custom_field_remove.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_custom_field_update.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_delete.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_subproj_add.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_subproj_delete.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_update.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_update_children.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_user_add.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_user_copy.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_user_remove.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_ver_add.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_ver_copy.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_ver_delete.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_ver_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/proj_ver_update.php Diff File
mod - manage/tags_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/user_create.php Diff File
mod - manage/user_create_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/user_delete.php Diff File
mod - manage/user_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/user_page.php Diff File
mod - manage/user_proj_add.php Diff File
mod - manage/user_proj_delete.php Diff File
mod - manage/user_prune.php Diff File
mod - manage/user_reset.php Diff File
mod - manage/user_update.php Diff File

MantisBT: master-2.0.x 57b3a09e

2012-02-13 05:15

Paul Richards

Details Diff
Update database schema to merge bug_text and bugnote_text into bug/bugnote tables
mod - admin/schema.php Diff File
mod - core/bug_api.php Diff File
mod - core/bugnote_api.php Diff File
mod - core/classes/MantisBug.class.php Diff File
mod - core/columns_api.php Diff File
mod - core/filter_api.php Diff File
mod - core/install_helper_functions_api.php Diff File
mod - plugins/XmlImportExport/pages/export.php Diff File
mod - print_all_bug_page_word.php Diff File
mod - print_bugnote_inc.php Diff File
 First  Prev  1 2 3 ... 70 ... 140 ... 210 ... 280 ... 350 ... 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 ... 420 ... 490 ... 560 ... 630 ... 700 ... 743 744 745  Next  Last