Search Changesets

MantisBT: master f7289f1e

2003-01-25 14:10


Details Diff
I took my initial approach of using $g_core_path to find core files from core.php, but later realised that this should be replaced by a call to config_get('core_path').

This commit:
- Replaces all uses of $g_core_path by $t_core_path, a temporary variable set to config_get('core_path')
- Removes all require_once statements that require project_api.php, since I realised that one is required at all times
- Removes require_once('core.php') from all include files, since the call to config_get prevents anyone from calling those include files directly, specifying g_core_path in the URL. This also prevents anyone from viewing them in the first place, so they don't have to be reviewed for information leaking anymore.

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - bugnote_update.php Diff File
mod - bug_close.php Diff File
mod - view_all_inc.php Diff File
mod - account_page.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_cumulative_bydate.php Diff File
mod - bug_file_add.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_byresolution_pct.php Diff File
mod - signup.php Diff File
mod - file_download.php Diff File
mod - bug_reminder.php Diff File
mod - view_all_bug_page.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_cat_copy.php Diff File
mod - print_all_bug_options_inc.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_ver_add.php Diff File
mod - main_page.php Diff File
mod - bugnote_add.php Diff File
mod - jump_to_bug.php Diff File
mod - bug_file_upload_inc.php Diff File
mod - set_project.php Diff File
mod - print_all_bug_page_excel.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_bycategory.php Diff File
mod - bug_report_advanced_page.php Diff File
mod - history_inc.php Diff File
mod - manage_user_proj_delete.php Diff File
mod - bugnote_delete.php Diff File
mod - account_prof_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_custom_field_remove.php Diff File
mod - bug_monitor.php Diff File
mod - account_prof_menu_page.php Diff File
mod - manage_custom_field_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - manage_user_proj_add.php Diff File
mod - account_prefs_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_report_page.php Diff File
mod - manage_custom_field_page.php Diff File
mod - print_all_bug_page_word.php Diff File
mod - news_update.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_ver_update.php Diff File
mod - proj_user_copy.php Diff File
mod - account_prefs_inc.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_ver_delete.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_cat_update.php Diff File
mod - proj_user_delete.php Diff File
mod - manage_custom_field_delete.php Diff File
mod - bugnote_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - account_update.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_bypriority_mix.php Diff File
mod - bug_close_page.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_custom_field_add_existing.php Diff File
mod - bug_assign.php Diff File
mod - bug_file_delete.php Diff File
mod - account_prof_update.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_delete.php Diff File
mod - bug_update_advanced_page.php Diff File
mod - bugnote_inc.php Diff File
mod - csv_export.php Diff File
mod - bug_report.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_bypriority_pct.php Diff File
mod - bug_actiongroup.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_cat_add.php Diff File
mod - bug_reminder_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_update_page.php Diff File
mod - proj_user_add.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_byresolution.php Diff File
mod - print_bug_page.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_byseverity_pct.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_byseverity_mix.php Diff File
mod - bug_reopen.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_bycategory_pct.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_bypriority.php Diff File
mod - account_prefs_reset.php Diff File
mod - news_list_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_delete.php Diff File
mod - account_prof_add.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_bystatus_pct.php Diff File
mod - print_all_bug_options_reset.php Diff File
mod - account_prefs_update.php Diff File
mod - news_add.php Diff File
mod - manage_custom_field_create.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_add.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_cat_delete.php Diff File
mod - bug_update.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_byseverity.php Diff File
mod - bug_view_page.php Diff File
mod - proj_user_menu_page.php Diff File
mod - account_prof_make_default.php Diff File
mod - manage_custom_field_update.php Diff File
mod - print_bugnote_inc.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_byresolution_mix.php Diff File
mod - proj_doc_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - manage_user_update.php Diff File
mod - bug_reopen_page.php Diff File
mod - meta_inc.php Diff File
mod - news_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_bystatus.php Diff File
mod - account_prof_delete.php Diff File
mod - proj_doc_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_resolve.php Diff File
mod - bugnote_set_view_state.php Diff File
mod - proj_doc_add.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_update.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_byreporter.php Diff File
mod - manage_user_create.php Diff File
mod - print_all_bug_page.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_bydeveloper.php Diff File
mod - bug_view_advanced_page.php Diff File
mod - proj_doc_add_page.php Diff File
mod - news_delete.php Diff File
mod - bug_resolve_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_view_inc.php Diff File
mod - news_view_page.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 3fb22ee0

2003-01-25 13:24


Details Diff
Realised user_pref is a separate API...

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - account_prefs_inc.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 4310109c

2003-01-25 13:21


Details Diff
Added require_once statements to the API files.

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - core/current_user_api.php Diff File
mod - core/email_api.php Diff File
mod - core/file_api.php Diff File
mod - core/user_api.php Diff File
mod - core/print_api.php Diff File
mod - core/filter_api.php Diff File
mod - core/string_api.php Diff File
mod - core/graph_api.php Diff File
mod - core/custom_field_api.php Diff File
mod - core/bug_api.php Diff File
mod - core/html_api.php Diff File
mod - core/bugnote_api.php Diff File
mod - core/access_api.php Diff File
mod - core/project_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 6513a901

2003-01-25 08:52


Details Diff
Two changes:
1. Added require_once lines for files starting with p and higher.
2. Reformatted the source for spacer TD cells, so that my editor won't mess them up again.

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - signup.php Diff File
mod - print_all_bug_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_update_advanced_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_view_page.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_bystatus_pct.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_bystatus.php Diff File
mod - bug_report_page.php Diff File
mod - print_all_bug_options_inc.php Diff File
mod - proj_doc_add_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_report_advanced_page.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_cumulative_bydate.php Diff File
mod - bugnote_inc.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_byseverity_mix.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_byresolution_mix.php Diff File
mod - account_page.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_bypriority_mix.php Diff File
mod - view_all_inc.php Diff File
mod - proj_user_copy.php Diff File
mod - print_bug_page.php Diff File
mod - manage_custom_field_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - print_all_bug_page_excel.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_bydeveloper.php Diff File
mod - bug_view_inc.php Diff File
mod - proj_doc_add.php Diff File
mod - bug_view_advanced_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_update_page.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - proj_user_delete.php Diff File
mod - set_project.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_byresolution_pct.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_byreporter.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_bycategory.php Diff File
mod - proj_user_menu_page.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_bypriority_pct.php Diff File
mod - view_all_bug_page.php Diff File
mod - print_bugnote_inc.php Diff File
mod - print_all_bug_options_reset.php Diff File
mod - proj_doc_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - proj_doc_page.php Diff File
mod - proj_user_add.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_byseverity_pct.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_bypriority.php Diff File
mod - print_all_bug_page_word.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_byseverity.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_bycategory_pct.php Diff File
mod - summary_graph_byresolution.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 1ac5f0b2

2003-01-24 09:59


Details Diff
More require_once statements added. Note that these new statements enable a few include files to be opened directly. These should be checked to ensure that this doesn't cause problems.

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - manage_proj_ver_update.php Diff File
mod - manage_user_proj_add.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_ver_add.php Diff File
mod - bugnote_delete.php Diff File
mod - news_add.php Diff File
mod - news_list_page.php Diff File
mod - manage_user_update.php Diff File
mod - bugnote_update.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_cat_add.php Diff File
mod - manage_user_proj_delete.php Diff File
mod - manage_custom_field_delete.php Diff File
mod - main_page.php Diff File
mod - manage_custom_field_create.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_custom_field_add_existing.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_add.php Diff File
mod - bugnote_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_custom_field_remove.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_ver_delete.php Diff File
mod - history_inc.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_cat_copy.php Diff File
mod - news_delete.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_delete.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_cat_delete.php Diff File
mod - jump_to_bug.php Diff File
mod - news_update.php Diff File
mod - news_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - bugnote_add.php Diff File
mod - meta_inc.php Diff File
mod - manage_custom_field_page.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_cat_update.php Diff File
mod - manage_proj_update.php Diff File
mod - manage_custom_field_update.php Diff File
mod - bugnote_inc.php Diff File
mod - manage_custom_field_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - news_view_page.php Diff File
mod - bugnote_set_view_state.php Diff File
mod - file_download.php Diff File
mod - manage_user_create.php Diff File
mod - csv_export.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 0723471d

2003-01-23 19:31


Details Diff
Better access for nobody in access_api.php

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - core/access_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 20d94503

2003-01-23 19:09


Details Diff
The aim of this commit is to change $g_show_user_email to a threshold
configuration item. This provides flexibility and consistency with other
similar configuration items.

* config_defaults_inc.php
- Changed $g_show_user_email to $g_show_user_email_threshold

* constant_inc.php
- Removed the ALL, NO_ANONYMOUS, and ADMIN_ONLY constants since the normal
access levels will now be used to set the threshold.

* core/access_api.php
(access_level_check_greater_or_equal): Do not return true for admin if access
level is NOBODY. This special case of allowing admin to do everything has to
be revised.
(access_level_ge_no_default_for_private): Same as the previous method.

M core/obsolete.php
- Added $g_show_user_email. Note that currently the obsolete is not included
anywhere. Julian will fix that.

M core/print_api.php
(get_email_link_with_subject): Updated to use $g_show_user_email_threshold.
(get_email_link): Updated to use $g_show_user_email_threshold.

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - config_defaults_inc.php Diff File
mod - core/access_api.php Diff File
mod - core/obsolete.php Diff File
mod - core/print_api.php Diff File
mod - constant_inc.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 9eff4d36

2003-01-23 18:03


Details Diff
First commit in an effort to reduce the number of API files opened at each request. In this first step, each file require_once's the APIs it requires, with the exception of the commonly used APIs auth, access, config, db, helper, lang, print, html, user, gpc and utility. In the next step, all except these APIs can be removed from core/API.php.

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - bug_file_upload_inc.php Diff File
mod - bug_reopen.php Diff File
mod - bug_reminder.php Diff File
mod - bug_actiongroup.php Diff File
mod - bug_view_page.php Diff File
mod - account_update.php Diff File
mod - bug_view_inc.php Diff File
mod - bug_reminder_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_assign.php Diff File
mod - account_prefs_inc.php Diff File
mod - account_prof_edit_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_report_advanced_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_resolve_page.php Diff File
mod - account_prof_make_default.php Diff File
mod - account_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_file_delete.php Diff File
mod - bug_monitor.php Diff File
mod - account_prefs_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_reopen_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_file_add.php Diff File
mod - bug_close_page.php Diff File
mod - account_prof_menu_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_report.php Diff File
mod - account_prefs_reset.php Diff File
mod - bug_view_advanced_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_report_page.php Diff File
mod - account_prof_delete.php Diff File
mod - bug_update_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_resolve.php Diff File
mod - bug_update_advanced_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_actiongroup_page.php Diff File
mod - bug_delete.php Diff File
mod - account_prof_add.php Diff File
mod - core.php Diff File
mod - account_prof_update.php Diff File
mod - bug_update.php Diff File
mod - bug_close.php Diff File
mod - account_prefs_update.php Diff File

MantisBT: master f6861d3d

2003-01-23 16:50


Details Diff
Err, apparantly I wasn't done fixing. This commit fixes my previous one.

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - core/html_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master c391397c

2003-01-23 16:44


Details Diff
Juggled the inclusion order of the API files, and modified some functions to allow errors in database queries to be handled nicely. Before this change, a wrong database configuration would result in a function not found error.

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - core/lang_api.php Diff File
mod - core/html_api.php Diff File
mod - core/API.php Diff File
mod - core/error_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master b9a2237c

2003-01-23 04:16

Julian Fitzell

Details Diff
* core/ldap_api.php: add a comment, remove a tab

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - core/ldap_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 1744f3bd

2003-01-23 01:30


Details Diff
* Changed parameters for the ldap_* functions to use the p_user_id instead of p_user_name, updated associated calls in other files.
* Now checking for non-empty LDAP email address in function user_get_email() - if empty, then go with the default from SQL.

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - core/user_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master d8f1909a

2003-01-23 01:24


Details Diff
Added 'ldapauth_type' to list of obsolete configuration items.

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - core/obsolete.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 361ae606

2003-01-23 01:22


Details Diff
synchronised LDAP options in config_defaults_inc.php with changes to core/ldap_pai.php.

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - config_defaults_inc.php Diff File

MantisBT: master ef793259

2003-01-23 01:11


Details Diff
Changed parameters for the ldap_* functions to use the p_user_id instead of p_user_name, updated associated calls in other files.

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - core/authentication_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 30746068

2003-01-23 01:05


Details Diff
Changed parameters for the ldap_* functions to use the p_user_id instead of p_user_name, updated associated calls in other files.

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - core/ldap_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 9fceafce

2003-01-22 19:33


Details Diff
The aim of this commit is to change the prefix for auto-generated names from a
configuration option to a language string. This will allow multi-lingual
support. However, there is currently no way to turn this feature OFF, which
shouldn't be a problem.

* config_defaults_inc.php:
- Removed the $g_prefix_for_deleted_users.

* doc/Changelog:
- Updated the change log to change the new config option to an enhancement.

* core/user_api.php
(user_get_name): Use the lang string rather than the config, and drop the
usage of the account no longer exists string.

* lang/strings_english.txt
Drop the "account no longer exists" string, and add the prefix for deleted
users string.

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - doc/ChangeLog Diff File
mod - lang/strings_english.txt Diff File
mod - config_defaults_inc.php Diff File
mod - core/user_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 66245e5b

2003-01-21 03:39

Julian Fitzell

Details Diff
* config_defaults_inc.php: add 2-digit year to short date formats and 4-digit
year to long date format

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - config_defaults_inc.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 9dd1592e

2003-01-21 02:40

Julian Fitzell

Details Diff
* core/filter_api.php:
(filter_get_bug_rows): only select bugs from projects that are enabled,
no matter how the filter is set

Thanks to Didier Bretin (did) on IRC for reporting this bug

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - doc/ChangeLog Diff File

MantisBT: master a7cafe7d

2003-01-21 02:33

Julian Fitzell

Details Diff
* core/filter_api.php:
(filter_get_bug_rows): only select bugs from projects that are enabled, no matter how the filter is set

Thanks to Didier Bretin (did) on IRC for reporting this bug

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - core/filter_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master d52049bd

2003-01-21 01:10


Details Diff
* config_defaults_inc.php: Changed color name and fixed typo

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - config_defaults_inc.php Diff File

MantisBT: master cae582da

2003-01-20 07:12

Julian Fitzell

Details Diff
* doc/configuration.html: add info about LDAP config options

Patch from Robert Foster <> with a minor tweak to the description of $g_ldap_organization by me. (yeah fine, I still haven't gone to bed... but now I am)

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - doc/configuration.html Diff File

MantisBT: master e3d544b7

2003-01-20 07:01

Julian Fitzell

Details Diff
ugh... fix line endings. I really need to make my editor do linux line endings by default (I work in windows on files on a samba share)

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - admin/index.php Diff File
mod - admin/upgrades/0_13_inc.php Diff File
mod - admin/upgrades/0_17_inc.php Diff File
mod - admin/upgrades/0_15_inc.php Diff File
mod - admin/upgrades/0_16_inc.php Diff File
mod - admin/upgrades/0_14_inc.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 7fa70b51

2003-01-19 18:56


Details Diff
The aim of this commit is to:
- Auto-generate names for user accounts that no longer exists. This will still
maintain the identity of the accounts, rather than having no differentiation
between these accounts.
- Adding the handling for mailto links when enabled in the cases where it was
missed (history events, view all bugs page).

* config_defaults_inc.php:
- Added new configuration option: prefix_for_deleted_users which sets
the prefix to be used for accounts that no longer exists. For example, if
prefix is 'user' and user 32 no longer exists, then the generated name is "user32".

* doc/Changelog:
- Updated the change log.

* history_inc.php:
- Returning the user id, not just the user name.
- Returning the auto-generated user name if the user no longer exists.

M view_all_inc.php
- Use print_user() to print the user name. This is in order to support the
email link when enabled.

M core/history_api.php
- Using print_user() to print the user name. This is in order to support the
email link.
- Before the user name and (account no longer exists) were not displayed if the
user account was deleted.
M core/user_api.php
(user_get_name): Support auto-generation of names as per the configuration.
M core/print_api.php
(print_user): Changed to re-use the user_get_name() rather than handling user
accounts that no longer exists.
(print_user_with_subject): Changed to re-use the user_get_name() rather than
handling user accounts that no longer exists.

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - doc/ChangeLog Diff File
mod - core/print_api.php Diff File
mod - view_all_inc.php Diff File
mod - config_defaults_inc.php Diff File
mod - history_inc.php Diff File
mod - core/user_api.php Diff File
mod - core/history_api.php Diff File

MantisBT: master 8e1139b7

2003-01-18 20:35

Julian Fitzell

Details Diff
* core/timer_api.php
(print_times): remove unnecessary initialization of unused variable. We
should really rename these variables to use $t_ all round but this will
do for now.

Thanks to Michale Kunze <> for catching it

git-svn-id: <a class="text" href="/?p=mantisbt.git;a=object;h=f5dc347c">f5dc347c</a>-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
mod - core/timer_api.php Diff File
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