View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0032133mantisbtwebpagepublic2023-04-08 14:11
ReporterChinhphu Assigned Todregad  
PriorityhighSeveritycrashReproducibilityunable to reproduce
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Product Version2.25.6 
Summary0032133: About register

When users do not fill any field in register screen and they click Register button, web become to exception.

TagsNo tags attached.




2023-03-14 04:29

developer   ~0067482


The provided information is not sufficient to provide any help in resolving the issue. A complete and detailed description is required for the support team to get a clear understanding of the problem.

Please explain what you do, what are the results you expect to get and what you actually get.

Also provide detailed, step-by-step instructions to reproduce the issue; the additional information listed below may also be useful:

  • Exact version of MantisBT, PHP, Database, Web server, Browser and Operating System
  • Relevant customizations (e.g. changes in config_inc.php, etc)
  • Installed plugins or custom functions ?
  • Was the MantisBT source code modified in any way ?


2023-03-26 10:11

developer   ~0067580


You did not provide any feedback; I am therefore resolving this issue as "no change required".

Feel free to reopen the issue at a later time and provide the requested information.