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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0034601mantisbtadministrationpublic2024-08-31 09:48
Reportermakgreg Assigned Todregad  
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
Product Version2.25.5 
Summary0034601: About the "Access Level" column in "Manage Configuration" -> "Configuration Report"


I would like to customize the bug report page for the "reporter" role so I created the "bug_report_page_fields" config
option but it can only be done by user and or project.

That said, I saw there is an "Access Level" column with only "administrator" as value and it looks like not editable.
I tried to edit it directly in DB but it seems not working as well.

Could you please tell me if I misunderstood something or if it is a bug?

Of course I'm also interested to know if there is any way to achieve this even by using the config_inc.php file ;)

Thank you.

Steps To Reproduce
  1. Go to "Manage Configuration" -> "Configuration Report"
  2. Configure any option and see the "Access Level" column
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2024-08-30 13:11

developer   ~0069133

It is not possible to which fields are available on the bug report page based on access level.

there is an "Access Level" column with only "administrator" as value and it looks like not editable

This defines who is allowed to edit this config in the manage configuration pages (only useful if you define $g_set_configuration_threshold lower than ADMINISTRATOR.

TBH I have never actually used this feature, and I'm not sure how well it is implemented. I don't really recommend using it.



2024-08-31 08:24

reporter   ~0069134

Thanks for the feedback.
So the "Access Level" columns in the page has nothing to do with what I'm looking for and you confirm by default
I can't tune the regular field availability based on the access level.
I guess it can be possible to do it via a plugin?



2024-08-31 09:48

developer   ~0069135

I guess it can be possible to do it via a plugin?

Maybe, but I'm not sure the necessary hooks exist out of the box.

You may want to have a look at (I have not tested it).

This is not a bug or feature request for MantisBT (you are asking for help on how to customize the bug report page). I am therefore resolving this issue as "no change required".

Please use the forums to get support on customizing and using MantisBT (refer to for links and further details).