View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0035234mantisbtuipublic2025-02-14 10:02
Reporterhaxxemm Assigned Todregad  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Product Version2.27.0 
Summary0035234: The font size in sections Filters and Viewing Issues grid are different

On view_all_bug_page.php font sizes between two sections are different, when user do zoom out in the browser, the fonts in section Filters turn too small.

Report Issue button is no vertical aligned to the center.

Steps To Reproduce

Open view_all_bug_page.php, zoom in or zoom aout with the browser, font size in section Filters is much smaller.

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
2025-01-13 10 43 49.png (178,109 bytes)   
2025-01-13 10 43 49.png (178,109 bytes)   




2025-01-13 11:21

developer   ~0069676

font sizes between two sections are different

This is by design.

Report Issue button is no vertical aligned to the center

Looks OK for me (tested on 3 different browsers). Must be something specific to your site.



2025-01-15 11:47

reporter   ~0069689

Last edited: 2025-01-15 11:48

I've been doing some additional testing, and I've noticed that the font size changes when I create the custom_strings_inc.php file (I'm doing some translation to Spanish).

I've attached the custom_strings_inc.php file.

custom_strings_inc.php (2,077 bytes)   

switch( $g_active_language ) {

	case 'spanish':
		$s_status_enum_string = '10:nuevo,20:reabierto,50:abierto,80:atendido,90:cerrado,95:cancelado';

		# Cancelado 
		$s_cancelled_bug_title = 'Marcar issue como Cancelado';
		$s_cancelled_bug_button = 'Cancelado';
		$s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_cancelled = 'El siguiente issue ha sido CANCELADO.';
		# Atendido 
		$s_resolved_bug_title = 'Atender issue';
		$s_resolved_bug_button = 'Atendido';
		$s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_resolved = 'El siguiente issue ha sido ATENDIDO.';
		# Reabierto
		$s_feedback_bug_title = 'Reabrir issue';
		$s_feedback_bug_button = 'Reabierto';
		$s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_feedback = 'El siguiente issue ha sido REABIERTO.';
		$s_email_notification_title_for_action_bug_reopened = 'El siguiente issue se ha REABIERTO.';
		# Abierto 
		$s_assigned_bug_title = 'Abrir issue';
		$s_assigned_bug_button = 'Abierto';
		$s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_assigned = 'El siguiente issue ha sido REASIGNADO';
		$s_email_notification_title_for_action_bug_assigned = 'El siguiente issue ha sido ABIERTO';
		# Traducción Prioridad
		$s_priority_enum_string = '20:baja,30:media,40:alta';
		# Traducción Resoluciones
		$s_resolution_enum_string = '10:abierto,20:corregido,30:reabierto,40:no replicable,60:duplicado,70:no aplica,80:postergado,90:así trabajará,95:respondido';
		# Traducción Impacto (antes Severidad)
        $s_severity_enum_string = '15:sin impacto,10:bajo,50:medio,60:alto';//,80:severo';

	default: # english
		$s_status_enum_string = '10:new,20:feedback,50:assigned,80:resolved,90:closed,95:cancelled';

		$s_cancelled_bug_title = 'Mark issue Cancelled';
		$s_cancelled_bug_button = 'Cancelled';

		$s_email_notification_title_for_status_bug_testing = 'The following issue was CANCELLED.';
custom_strings_inc.php (2,077 bytes)   


2025-01-15 11:54

reporter   ~0069690

This issue is also affecting other options.

2025-01-15 11 51 37.png (140,538 bytes)   
2025-01-15 11 51 37.png (140,538 bytes)   


2025-01-16 04:05

developer   ~0069694

Looking at your latest screenshot, it seems that there is some unexpected, extra output which is partly covered by the navbar on top of the screen, causing the sidebar and main body to be shifted down, and somehow messing with the page's HTML structure; use your browser's development tools or page source to figure out what that is.



2025-01-16 15:34

reporter   ~0069695

Somehow, when using the custom_strings_inc.php file, the font size changes as well as the position of the buttons on top, ¿maybe it has to do with the styles?

COM.png (201,840 bytes)   
COM.png (201,840 bytes)   
NO_COM.png (120,402 bytes)   
NO_COM.png (120,402 bytes)   


2025-01-17 03:25

developer   ~0069697

It was already obvious from your previous screenshot that there is some kind of problem with the markup.

I tried the attached custom_strings_inc.php file on my dev box, but can't reproduce the problem. There must be some other customization on your system that's triggering this behavior.

Please read my previous note 0035234:0069694



2025-02-04 15:00

developer   ~0069822


You did not provide feedback; I am therefore resolving this issue as "no change required".

Feel free to reopen the issue at a later time and provide the requested information.