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E-Mail Notification Problems

Posted: 29 Aug 2005, 05:45
by Lost-Ha[n]f-PHP
Hey leds,
Since we updated our Mantis to 1.0.0rc1 we got more and more problems with our E-Mail Notification.

On "Email on Reopened" we got no Mail although:
User who reported issue = checked
User who is handling the issue = checked
Users monitoring this issue = checked
Users who added Bugnotes = checked

And the is a number of further problems like that. So where is our mistake? Or is it s general problem in the new version?

Thx a lot.

Same problem

Posted: 29 Aug 2005, 11:05
by tellerbop
I got the same problem. But for me it seems a little bit random. Sometimes they go through and sometimes they don't.

I've checked the SMTP GW and no e-mails are being sent to it.

Posted: 01 Sep 2005, 00:51
by thraxisp
Have the users disabled emails using their preferences?

There is a system logging feature in 1.0.0rc1 that can track how the emails are generated. Setting $g_log_level = LOG_EMAIL_RECIPIENT; and $g_log_destination = 'file:/tmp/mantis_log'; should dump the steps in creating the message recipient list to the file /tmp/mantis_log. The log is a little sparse, but should show who messages were sent to.

If you need help decoding, you can PM the file to me.

Posted: 20 Sep 2005, 22:13
by odie3
Email not working for me either.... :(

I can not find the logging file anywhere on my Hosting Site. Perhaps I need a different type of path when I lease a shared server

Emails on 'new' not being sent

Posted: 03 Oct 2005, 23:06
by javatopia
I have the $g_debug_email property set and $g_email_receive_on="ON", but "new" bugs notices are never sent to anyone.

I do get debug emails for changes on bugs, though.

Re: Emails on 'new' not being sent

Posted: 05 Dec 2005, 10:07
by na60
javatopia wrote:I have the $g_debug_email property set and $g_email_receive_on="ON", but "new" bugs notices are never sent to anyone.

I do get debug emails for changes on bugs, though.
I do have the same problem!

Any one have an fix/solution for this?

Running 10rc3

Posted: 05 Dec 2005, 13:37
by vboctor
When debug_email is used, all emails are sent to the debug email address and the emails are not sent to their original recipients. This is useful to allow developers to test without having email notifications sent to the users. In order to get the emails working, you will need to set $g_debug_email to OFF.

Checkout MantisConnect

Posted: 05 Dec 2005, 18:17
by jsanders
By me if i report a bug, i don't get an email. But if afterwards i assign a bug to a developer, only then he get's an email. I also want to get an email.
And futhermore what about dayly email reports with summaries about the open bugs? Is this functionality implemented yet?

Posted: 05 Dec 2005, 20:52
by vboctor
By me if i report a bug, i don't get an email. But if afterwards i assign a bug to a developer, only then he get's an email. I also want to get an email.
Checkout $g_default_notify_flags and $g_notify_flags configuration options in the manual: ... .email.php
And futhermore what about dayly email reports with summaries about the open bugs? Is this functionality implemented yet?
At the moment there is no daily report that does that. The main issue is what should be in this daily report! I suggest you submit a feature request in which you request this feature with details about what you expected in such report.


Posted: 05 Dec 2005, 22:13
by jsanders
Ok i will try to work on it thanx for the tips. Where can i put my request for new functionality?

Then something else. The server on which mantis is installed is in an internal network. The server is also availibal to reach from the internet. This works fine. Most people that work with it work from the internet. There is however one person that works with it from inside the network. The problem is that if that person makes a change and an email is sent, automaticly the link contains an internal email adres. I don't want that. I always want this to be an external adres. Do you know where i can put in some code to change the internal adres to an (hardcoded) external adres?

Posted: 06 Dec 2005, 02:07
by vboctor
Where can i put my request for new functionality?
I always want this to be an external adres. Do you know where i can put in some code to change the internal adres to an (hardcoded) external address?
Explictly set $g_path to the external URL (including a terminating /) in the config_inc.php. For example,

Mantis Blog

Posted: 06 Dec 2005, 11:11
by jsanders
Thanx for the advice. I posted a feature request in the mantis bugtracker.
I also aded the line:

g_path= "http://www.";
Look what happened to the look and feel:


Posted: 06 Dec 2005, 12:54
by Narcissus
Shouldn't that be without the 'www.'??

I mean, the server name http://www. doesn't even resolve in Firefox...

Posted: 06 Dec 2005, 22:28
by jsanders
Where can i add in some code that if I login from an internal ip adres the g_path should be an internal adres and if i login from an external ip adres, the g_path wil be external?

Posted: 06 Dec 2005, 22:58
by Narcissus
Isn't that the situation that you were experiencing before hardcoding the $g_path in the first place?

In theory, it should work that way if you don't hard code that value...