When a ticket is set to statuses New (noone has started on it), Assigned (someone is working on it) or Feedback (job is done, get feedback from end user), and there is a new email imported by the plugin, the mail gets imported as it should and the status is not touched. This is expected and correct behaviour.
However, when we are done with a ticket we set it to either Closed or Resolved and set an appropriate resolution. When a ticket is Closed or Resolved, and there is a new email imported, we want it to be set to Feedback. This is our config:
Code: Select all
$g_reassign_on_feedback = OFF;
$g_allow_reporter_reopen = OFF;
$g_bug_reopen_status = FEEDBACK;
However, EmailReporting ALWAYS sets the status to Assigned in this case. That is, Closed or Resolved instead gets status Assigned. This screws things up, because Assigned tickets mean someone is working on it, and in this case it's not. It need to be Feedback before it gets Assigned.
When another user adds a comment to a Closed or Resolved issue, the status is not changed. Therefore, we think there is something in the EmailReporting plugin that's either messing with or ignoring some configuration variables but we cannot find what.
We use EmailReporting 0.10.1 and MantisBT 2.25.5. The Assigned-issue has been with us since MantisBT 2.21.