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Mantis - TWiki Integration

Mantis issue 8757 contains a wiki api file to handle dispatching links to a TWiki wiki instance. Simply put the wiki_twiki_api.php file in your mantis core directory, and add the following section to your config_inc.php (with your values). The extension should handle proper WikiWord naming of issues and projects. Set $g_wiki_enable to ON, $g_wiki_root_namespace to the name of the TWiki web you want to use, $g_wiki_engine to 'twiki', and make sure $g_wiki_engine_url points to the base URL of your TWiki instance, with a trailing slash (see comments below).

	# Wiki Integration
	# Wiki Integration Enabled?
	$g_wiki_enable = ON;
	# Wiki Engine (supported engines: 'dokuwiki', 'mediawiki', 'twiki', 'xwiki')
	$g_wiki_engine = 'twiki';
	# Wiki namespace to be used as root for all pages relating to this mantis installation.
	$g_wiki_root_namespace = 'mantis';
	# URL under which the wiki engine is hosted, with a trailing slash.
	#	For wikis on the same server, use this syntax:
	#		$g_wiki_engine_url = $t_protocol . '://' . $t_host . '/%wiki_engine%/';
	#	For wikis on a different server, specify the complete URL
	#		$g_wiki_engine_url = '';
	#	Note for TWiki users: be sure to include '/bin/view/' in the url, e.g.,
	#		$g_wiki_engine_url = '';
	$g_wiki_engine_url = $t_protocol . '://' . $t_host . '/%wiki_engine%/bin/view/';

So, for my installation, I created a TWiki web called “mantis”, and the extension creates “Wiki” links to it for Mantis projects and issues. Note that $g_wiki_engine_url must end with '/bin/view/', so that Mantis will properly form the links to point to the TWiki view function. My TWiki install happens to run on a separate Apache instance (it's used by other groups for other purposes), so I needed to use a full address for my engine URL ('').

Issue links look like IssueNumber$bug_id (IssueNumber123), as valid WikiWords must start with a capital letter. The extension will try a few tricks to make project names into valid WikiWords, in this order:

  1. Removing whitespace (My Project ⇒ MyProject).
  2. Uppercasing words (my project ⇒ MyProject).
  3. Prepending the string 'ProjectName' (XYZ ⇒ ProjectNameXYZ).

That last case should only occur if your Mantis project's name is a single lowercase word, an acronym, or a number.

mantisbt/issue/8757.txt · Last modified: 2008/10/29 04:36 by

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