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User survey

Candidate survey questions

Final draft, pending setup in the surveys applications.


It's interesting that the Bugzilla survey was aimed at a small number of organisations using MantisBT, rather than its direct users. Something to consider for us as well - perhaps by having two different surveys - organisations versus end-users.

User role

  1. How to you usually use MantisBT:
    1. I am a MantisBT user - I report/edit bugs
    2. I am a MantisBT administrator - I set up projects, categories, users etc
    3. I am a MantisBT system administrator - I manage at least a MantisBT installation on a server
    4. I am a MantisBT developer - I contribute to the MantisBT core or to a plugin
  2. [all] Country


  1. [administrator] What Operating System do you run MantisBT on? (+ version)
  2. [administrator] What Database server do you run MantisBT on? (+ version)
  3. [administrator] What Web server do you run MantisBT on? (+ version)
  4. [administrator] Which PHP version do you use?
  5. [administrator] Which file upload method do you use? (DISK, DATABASE or FTP)
  6. [administrator] Which login method do you use? (MD5, LDAP, BASIC_AUTH, HTTP_AUTH, PLAIN, CRYPT, CRYPT_FULL_SALT)
  7. [administrator] How many projects are there in your MantisBT instance?
  8. [administrator] How many active users are there in your MantisBT instance?
  9. [administrator] How many bugs* do you have in your MantisBT instance? =⇒ hopefully not too many but if you do please report them on our bugtracker [link] ;-) joke aside, this should be reworded, at least use the word 'issues' instead of bugs
  10. [administrator] What plugins do you have installed in your MantisBT instance?
  11. [administrator] Do you run MantisBT on your own server or on a hosted instance?

Current status

  1. [all] Do you currently use MantisBT?
    1. If not, why not and which tools are you using now?
  1. [all] Which version of MantisBT are you running?
  2. [all] How would you rank MantisBT in terms of {usability, performance, look and feel,documentation}?


  1. [all] What would be three things that you would change or improve substantially in MantisBT? Should allow users to type in suggestions, perhaps link to Features identified from the bugtracker
    1. we might consider having some initial options here and also a large free text field ( should restrict checkboxes to 3 )
    2. Better look and feel
    3. Keyboard shortcuts for navigation and other common actions
    4. Extended reporting capabilities
    5. Ability to download and install plugins from the administration interface
    6. Better performance
    7. Better support for other database engines ( which ? )
    8. Ability to vote for issues
    9. Ability to preview attachments inline ( videos, images )
    10. Wysiwyg (or alternative structured text like Markdown ) editor
    11. Diff-style email notifications
  1. [all] I would continue using Mantis if it would function only on recent versions of modern browsers ( currently IE 8+, latest Firefox/Chrome/Safari ). Moving to more modern browsers also involves a more streamlined and modern UI.

Contributions, comments

  1. [developer] Have you ever tried to contribute to MantisBT?
    1. If yes, were you successful?
    2. If no, why
      1. lack of {skill,time,interest}
      2. barrier of contribution to high {missing documentation, code hard to understand, no support from developers}
    3. [all] Mobility related question - tablet/phone usage? MantisTouch vs. other apps?(vboctor)
    4. [all] What form factor? (vboctor)
      1. Small Screen (Phone or iPod)
      2. Tablet (iPad, Kindle Fire, Galaxy Tab, etc)
      3. Desktop
      4. Other
    5. [all] Demographics - should we ask about the field of the company using MantisBT? e.g. IT, Hospitality, Financial, Insurance, etc? (vboctor)
    6. [all] Do you interact with MantisBT using a custom-built client - SOAP API? (vboctor)
    7. [all] How did you know about MantisBT? (vboctor)
      1. Used it in previous jobs
      2. Search engine
      3. Social networks (e.g. Twitter)
      4. Word of mouth
      5. Seen it used by others
      6. Read a review or a blog post
      7. Through my hosting company
      8. Featured on some site (e.g. Sourceforge)
      9. Others
  2. [all] General feedback and suggestions for MantisBT? (vboctor)
  3. [all] Optional: contact e-mail (dregad)
  4. [all] I am interested in becoming a member of the core dev team - [we might as well seize the opportunity to try and draw in some fresh forces] (dregad) ; I would reformulate as _I am interested in helping MantisBT improve_ and them giving a list of options, like documentation, code, support in forums etc
mantisbt/mantisbt_survey.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/04 07:55 by anonymous

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