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Tagging Requirements

Author: John Reese


One of the biggest movements in the modern web communities is the push towards 'tagging' articles and topics with short descriptive keywords that represent the content and can be used to find items with the same subject. Mantis currently can only classify issues by project and category, which can be limiting, and only allows one classification per issue. By implementing tagging, it would allow users to attach multiple keywords to each report, which could be new tags typed in manually or existing tags selected from a list, either through AJAX auto-completion, or a popup window of some fashion.

Because of the 'metadata' nature of tagging, it would not be primary method of classification for issues (which would still be left to categories), and could allow for lower permission requirements for tagging reports, such as allowing any registered reporters to add tags at any time. It could also allow for potential custom auto-tagging features, where certain tags could be automatically attached to any bug containing special characteristics, like a report with version control checkins.

Proposed Approach

All tags will be stored in a database table, with a separate table containing foreign key links between bugs and tags. There should be a separate portion of the bug view to show all tags currently attached to a bug, as well as an input box to enter further tags to be added. Tags entered in the form should be separated by commas, so that multi-word tags are possible. Auto-complete should be simple substring comparison, either against a JavaScript list of popular tags, or using an AJAX query to the database. The user should be able to click a link that will, in some fashion, show a list of all tags in use, using pagination if necessary.

When viewing tags already attached to a report, a link should be available to a page listing more information about the keyword, including the ability to enter or edit a description. The tag's page should also include links to various searches filtered on the tag, such as all open issues, all resolved issues, etc.

Database Changes

  • Create tag_table with fields:
    • id int(10) with auto_increment flag
    • name varchar(100)
    • description text
  • Create bug_tag_table with fields:
    • bug_id int(10)
    • tag_id int(10)

Configuration Changes


mantisbt/tagging_requirements.1185592762.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/10/29 04:32 (external edit)

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