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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0014154mantisbtbugtrackerpublic2025-01-07 05:23
Reporteratrol Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Product Version1.2.11 
Summary0014154: Provide link to Admin Guide / Troubleshooting chapter from known error messages

It was suggested by atrol in a discussion on the mailing list [1] to add a link to the Administrator's Guide (like http://<yourLocalMantisBT>/docbook/adminguide/en/administration_guide.html#ADMIN.TROUBLESHOOTING) for specific error messages.

jreese pointed out that people using distro packages or git checkouts won't be able to follow these links, in which case it may be better to reference the documentation on

Hybrid solution could be to add a configuration option in config_defaults_inc.php, like

$g_documentation_root = "%path%docbook/adminguide";

Distros and git checkouts can then change this in config_inc.php to
$g_documentation_root = '';


EDIT: gmane is dead, link to SourceForge mailman archive instead

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related to 0014155 closeddregad Add new Troubleshooting chapter in Admin Guide 


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