0034666 |
Incorrect Discounted Price in Registration Confirmation administration - 2024-09-16 14:07 |
0034649 |
Reorder group update actions in selection list ui - 2024-09-13 08:13 |
0008199 |
Add Open ID support authentication - 2024-09-02 11:57 |
0023449 |
Force all users to use AuthPlugin based login page authentication - 2024-09-02 09:42 |
0034605 |
Request for a new signal in view_user_page.php plug-ins - 2024-09-01 08:53 |
0034597 |
Problem with order in atached files when migrate Version From 2.14.0 to Version 2.26.1 migration - 2024-08-30 11:12 |
0008609 |
Because of (closed) "0008063: mantis_version shouldn't be in the configuration file" bugtracker - 2024-09-16 12:24 |
0007625 |
Password Change goes back to password change administration - 2024-09-16 12:02 |
0034658 |
"EVENT_VIEW_BUGNOTE" triggered at the wrong place ? plug-ins - 2024-09-16 07:31 |
0023026 |
'Edit' button on bugnotes with only attachments feature - 2024-09-16 06:39 |
0034618 |
Disabled projects are not listed on page manage_proj_page.php administration - 2024-09-13 19:30 |
0025624 |
Mantisgraph display trembles in graphical resolution 1900/1200 (Chrome only) other - 2024-09-13 10:55 |
0034666 |
Incorrect Discounted Price in Registration Confirmation administration - 2024-09-16 14:07 |
0008609 |
Because of (closed) "0008063: mantis_version shouldn't be in the configuration file" bugtracker - 2024-09-16 12:24 |
0015889 |
Redirect to default page after password reset administration - 2024-09-16 12:02 |
0007625 |
Password Change goes back to password change administration - 2024-09-16 12:02 |
0034634 |
Non-existing issue number does not throw a 404 in the UI other - 2024-09-16 08:01 |
0034658 |
"EVENT_VIEW_BUGNOTE" triggered at the wrong place ? plug-ins - 2024-09-16 07:31 |