We use EmailReporting plugin. Since last week we've been having some problems with this plugin.
When a bug is reported by an email, Mantis notify submitter with 2 emails with two diffrent links to the bug of which only one is correct. The other redirects to either nonexisting bug or a completely different one:
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[HELPDESK 0010531]: Test po zmianie kategorii na lokalny względem projektu helptrack
[HELPDESK 0010530]: Test po zmianie kategorii na lokalny względem projektu helptrack
Then I reported a new ticket but this time through mantis page. This ticket recives id 10531 but I also receive 2 notifications again:(:
Code: Select all
[HELPDESK 0010531]: Dodanie ręcznie zgłoszenia w portalu
[HELPDESK 0010531]: Test po zmianie kategorii na lokalny względem projektu helptrack
Mantis version: 2.19.0
Plugin Version: Email Reporting 0.10.1
We have 3 projects, but for a long time it didin't caused any problems.
A few weeks ago we installed another plugin: Calendar of Events 2.6.0. Today we deinstalled it but it didn't help.