Error message Email Reporting

This plugin allows you to report an issue in MantisBT by sending an email to a particular mail account

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Joined: 24 Oct 2023, 13:43

Error message Email Reporting

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I´m currently trying to configure Email-Reporting with an IMAP-Account.

But no matter which settings I tried, it gave me the following error-message when executing the cronjob.

Location: Attempt login
[pear_error: message=", " code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""]

Even more strangely, Testmode via configuration-page worked fine.

So I tried to get a better error-message and and hacked a print_r into IMAP.php:

Code: Select all

    function login($user, $pass, $useauthenticate = true, $selectMailbox=true)
        if ($useauthenticate) {
            // $useauthenticate is a string if the user hardcodes an AUTHMethod
            // (the user calls $imap->login("user","password","CRAM-MD5"); for
            // example!

            if (is_string($useauthenticate)) {
                $method = $useauthenticate;
            } else {
                $method = null;

            //Try the selected Auth method
            $ret = $this->cmdAuthenticate($user, $pass, $method);
Which gives me:

Code: Select all

PEAR_Error Object
    [error_message_prefix] => 
    [mode] => 1
    [level] => 1024
    [code] => 
    [message] => USER NOT supported authentication method! This IMAP server supports these methods: PLAIN,NTLM,GSSAPI, but I support DIGEST-MD5,CRAM-MD5,LOGIN
Maybe someone else might find that helpful or extends the error message in Mantis :)
Posts: 47
Joined: 14 Dec 2023, 15:59

Re: Error message Email Reporting

Post by Joselyne »


How did you use this function? I'll would like to test it because I have the same problem.

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