MantisHub | MantisBT Hosting Made Easy
MantisHub offers a hassle-free turn-key solution to MantisBT customers. Backed by a support team with years of experience building MantisBT.
Founded by Victor Boctor who is a developer of MantisBT since 2000, MantisHub is designed to be the easiest and most complete solution for delivering MantisBT as a service.
MantisHub for MantisBT is what GitHub is for Git.3>
Victor Boctor
Why Use MantisHub?
- Ability to get started in 1 minute with the free trial.
- Focus on your business rather than worrying about backups, upgrades, and support.
- Support provided by experienced team with extensive MantisBT experience
- Existing users are able to migrate their data.
- Exclusive add-ons
- No long term commitment - cancel anytime and take your data with you.