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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023026mantisbtfeaturepublic2024-09-16 06:39
ReporterStefano Spotti Assigned Todregad  
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionduplicate 
Summary0023026: 'Edit' button on bugnotes with only attachments

I would like to have 'Edit' button available also on bugnotes that have only attachments.
This due to have the chance to add notes - related to that attachment - even on a second stage.

How can I achieve this?

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
MantisBT-Edit.JPG (28,066 bytes)   
MantisBT-Edit.JPG (28,066 bytes)   


duplicate of 0021733 closedvboctor Attachments should be linkable to notes in db 
related to 0034597 feedback Problem with order in atached files when migrate Version From 2.14.0 to Version 2.26.1 




2017-06-16 07:36

developer   ~0057092

0021733 has to be implemented before this request can be implemented.



2018-04-23 03:57

reporter   ~0059644

We also need below functions to Edit the existing attachments:
◆we want to edit the 'attachments_only' Note to change or add attachments.
◆we want to edit the content of attachments on Note.

I guess these fuctions are not fix,
it is waiting the implemention of 0021733,
isn't it?



2018-04-23 09:39

developer   ~0059650

@Amiz right, 0021733 has to be implemented for that.



2021-05-07 07:50

reporter   ~0065484

Last edited: 2021-05-07 07:50

Is this feature planned to be implemented some time?
Looks like it is the only one untouched among those related to 0021733



2024-09-16 02:10

manager   ~0069227

This feature is already supported. When a note is created with attachments only, the note can be edited. I think the case in the screenshot was not a real note, but that was during the period where we displayed the issue attachments as a note instead of part of the issue. This was fixed earlier. So I'm include to close this issue as fixed.

The ability to add attachments to a note should be tracked as a different issue, and we can discuss the merits of that there vs. adding a new note with the new attachments.



2024-09-16 06:39

developer   ~0069228

the case in the screenshot was not a real note, but that was during the period where we displayed the issue attachments as a note instead of part of the issue

Correct. Since MantisBT 2.23.0, an attachment that is not implicitly or explicitly linked to a bugnote (such as the one shown in the screenshot) would be displayed under Attached files in the View Issue Details section. Please read 0034597:0069131 for further details.

I'll resolve this Issue as duplicate of 0021733.