View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023449mantisbtauthenticationpublic2024-09-02 09:42
Reporterlibregeek Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0023449: Force all users to use AuthPlugin based login page

We currently use Mantis SimpleSAMLphpAuth plugin for authenticating our users from a SimpleSAMLphp idp (SSP). However, users are required to enter their username twice - first on the mantis username page and then username and password on the SSP login page. This is an usability glitch if the user is not already logged into SSP.

It would be nice to have a hook/config in AuthPlugin class which tells Mantis to directly initiate SSP login instead of determining the login method based on the username.

I understand that this would work only where mantis has only one authentication backend. However, I think, majority of Mantis instances use only one authentication backend and this might not seriously affect existing instances.

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related to 0008199 acknowledged Add Open ID support 




2021-04-16 02:23

reporter   ~0065383

Hi, were you able to install and configure the plugin?



2024-02-26 09:16

reporter   ~0068607

Hi @libregeek were you able to fix your issue?