View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0033072mantisbtadministrationpublic2023-11-19 08:06
Reporterjulianquinones Assigned Todregad  
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Summary0033072: Installation Error!

Hello, I am currently having problems sending emails in version 2.25.0.
Reason why I would implement version 2.25.8 (Current), but when installing, it gives me a fairly long error, which I cannot identify.
I would appreciate any help you can give me.

Steps To Reproduce

1) I download the latest version of Mantis.
2) I prepare the installation in the htdoc folder to work with xampp.
3) I create a database "called (bugtracker)
4) I create a user with all privileges, and it is used in the database (bugtracker).
5) I enter the url, localhost/mantis-2.25.8/admin/install.php
6) I make the configuration
7) I press the "Install/Upgrade Database" button
8) The error appears in the section called "Install Database"

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Error Mantis.png (114,481 bytes)   
Error Mantis.png (114,481 bytes)   


duplicate of 0031928 closeddregad Error on installation MantisBT 2.25.5 




2023-11-01 03:49

developer   ~0068279

Let me guess... Your XAMPP is on PHP 8.2 ?

You have not done much research before opening an issue did you ? This issue has been reported several times before see e.g. 0031928.

PHP 8.2 is not supported in MantisBT 2.25.