View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0035217mantisbtmarkdownpublic2025-01-11 09:54
Reporterdregad Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
Summary0035217: PHP 8.4 deprecation warnings in Parsedown 1.7.4

Mantis issues the following warnings:

DEPRECATED: 'Parsedown::blockSetextHeader(): Implicitly marking parameter $Block as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead' in './mantis/vendor/erusev/parsedown/Parsedown.php' line 715

DEPRECATED: 'Parsedown::blockTable(): Implicitly marking parameter $Block as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead' in './mantis/vendor/erusev/parsedown/Parsedown.php' line 853

Additional Information

This has already been reported upstream:

The PR has been merged several months ago, but to-date no new version of Parsedown has been released. Requested that in

TagsPHP 8.4


related to 0035227 acknowledged MantisBT is not compatible with Parsedown 1.8 
child of 0035216 assigneddregad PHP 8.4 compatibility 




2024-12-30 13:28

reporter   ~0069627

Last edited: 2024-12-30 13:32

So the next version of MantisBT 2.28 will be with Parsedown 1.8?

Looks like MantisCoreFormatting plugin should be slightly updated:

'Undefined array key "name"' in '...plugins\MantisCoreFormatting\core\MantisMarkdown.php' line 152
Detailed error information
    Full path: ...plugins\MantisCoreFormatting\core\MantisMarkdown.php
    Line number: 152
Stack trace
#   Filename    Line    Class   Type    Function    Args
0   ...parsedown\Parsedown.php  1792    MantisMarkdown  ->  element     <array> { ['elements'] => <array> { [0] => <array> { ['text'] => 'Bug!' } }, ['autobreak'] => false }


2024-12-30 13:47

developer   ~0069628

So the next version of MantisBT 2.28 will be with Parsedown 1.8?

1.8, 2.0 or whatever they release next... Hoping they do it soon.



2025-01-06 09:48

reporter   ~0069639




2025-01-09 11:50

reporter   ~0069649

Another problem with Parsedown 1.8 is probably a bug in Parsedown...

After figuring out how to run PHPUnit tests (and fixing them for the new version), I noticed that two PHPUnit tests failed:

 ✘ Process emails with process_urls·=·ON;·lorem··ipsum
   ├ Failed asserting that two strings are identical.
   ├ --- Expected
   ├ +++ Actual
   ├ @@ @@
   ├ -'<p>lorem <a href=""></a> ipsum</p>'
   ├ +'<p>lorem ipsum</p>'
   │ mantisbt\plugins\MantisCoreFormatting\tests\MarkdownTest.php:119
 ✘ Process emails with process_urls·=·ON;·
   ├ Failed asserting that two strings are identical.
   ├ --- Expected
   ├ +++ Actual
   ├ @@ @@
   ├ -'<p><a href=""></a></p>'
   ├ +'<p></p>'
   │ mantisbt\plugins\MantisCoreFormatting\tests\MarkdownTest.php:119

Further investigation revealed that Parsedown commit eb55e42 removed the use of the unmarkedText method, although the method itself remains and is not used anywhere else. The problem is that MantisBT uses this overloaded method to mark up an email without angle brackets.

We need to decide whether to rewrite the MantisBT plugin or fix Parsedown.



2025-01-09 12:20

developer   ~0069650

Thanks for testing.

Parsedown commit eb55e42 removed the use of the unmarkedText method, although the method itself remains and is not used anywhere else
We need to decide whether to rewrite the MantisBT plugin or fix Parsedown.

For starters I suggest reporting this upstream, and see if they consider it a bug or not.
We can decide what to do based on their response (if they respond).

As a side note, please note that this thread is about PHP 8.4 compatibility, not Parsedown 1.8 tests - it would be better to move this discussion to a new issue.



2025-01-11 08:07

reporter   ~0069659

I created 0035227, all notes here can be deleted.

P.S. I just now realised that MantisBT doesn't have a button to move notes to another ticket...



2025-01-11 09:50

developer   ~0069660

MantisBT doesn't have a button to move notes to another ticket

No it does not. That's not a very common use case. What you can do is Clone the issue, then you have the option to copy the bugnotes and set a relationship to the original issue.

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