View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0035256mantisbtbugtrackerpublic2025-01-23 10:42
Reporterandre.rudlaff Assigned To 
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
Product Version2.26.0 
Summary0035256: Location in browser address bar is not updated when reporting an issue with an attachement

With 2.26.0 (I think caused by issue 0005189 / Pull Request the operation successfull page was removed and replaced with a direct 302 redirect from the bug_report.php response.

This breaks when the form data is sent via XHR, which happens if a new bug is created with an attachement.
This causes the GET request which then loads the issue page also to be done via XHR.
The issue page is correctly displayed but as the data was sent via XHR the browser address bar is not updated and stays as <url>/bug_report_page.php instead of <url>/view.php?id=<bugid>

This might be a minor incovenience as when refreshing the page people are redirected back to the reporting page or they might want to copy&paste the url of the issue which is also not possible.

Steps To Reproduce
  • Create a new Bug Report
  • Enter all required data
  • Attach a file to the bug report
  • Press Submit
  • Check Dev Tools to verify that the POST request (and the following GET request) are done via XHR
  • Browser Address Bar is not updated with the issue url
Additional Information

Tested in Chrome and Firefox on Windows and Linux

TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0005189 closedvboctor "Operation successful." message page slows down interaction 




2025-01-23 10:42

developer   ~0069747

Good catch, thanks for the bug report.