View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0035282mantisbtupgradepublic2025-02-07 06:35
Reporterandreas.panozzo.1969 Assigned Todregad  
PriorityurgentSeverityblockReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionduplicate 
Product Version2.27.0 
Summary0035282: After updating from 2.26.4 to 2.27.0 unable to select Category

after the update on MantisBT from 2.26.4 to 2.27.0 I'm unable to select Category.
FYI.. at the end of the update procedure I performed (twice) the upgrade of the database.
Please, could some one help me on this?

P.S. This is urgent since Category filed is mandatory and it is not possible to create new tickets.

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duplicate of 0034783 resolveddregad Checking URL to installation is failing 




2025-01-31 11:17

developer   ~0069795

The "Database Schema Version" after an upgarde to 2.27.0 should be 213.
Your version is 211, so your database upgrade did not work.
Two steps related to "Category" are missing, which explains your problems with it.

# New default value for category status, see #31017
$g_upgrade[212] = array( 'AlterColumnSQL', array( db_get_table( 'category' ), "
    status                  I       UNSIGNED NOTNULL DEFAULT '1' ") );
$g_upgrade[213] = array( 'UpdateFunction', 'category_status_default' );


2025-01-31 11:29

reporter   ~0069796

Last edited: 2025-01-31 11:32

When I upgrade the database below you can see the result before and after the upgrade:
The problem I have can be explained with the BAD message in the second picture?

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2025-01-31 12:10

reporter   ~0069797

@andreas.panozzo.1969, Check this issue please: 0034783.



2025-01-31 12:31

developer   ~0069798

As explained by @atrol, the error occurrs because you did not upgrade your database.

I'm closing this as a duplicate of 0034783 since that's the root cause of your failure to do so.



2025-02-07 05:49

reporter   ~0069831

Last edited: 2025-02-07 06:02

I read the case 0034783 and I understood that the The URL check in the installer was introduced in 2.26.1.
What I don't understant is the solution of my issue.
At the moment I can see that at the end of the database upgrade procedure I have the BAD message reported above (Can't retreive web page...).

Is this BAD message manadatory to be solved or should be intended and managed as a warning (wihout any conseguences to the platform)?
Please .. could you address me how to solve it?

At the same time, can you confirm that database schema 211 is alligned with 2.26.4 version?

Thanks in advance,



2025-02-07 06:16

developer   ~0069832

Your problem is that you are running 2.27.0 with a database schema version 211 which corresponds to 2.25.0 <= x < 2.27.0.

So to fix your problem you should either

  • use 2.26.4
  • use 2.27.0 and upgrade your database to schema 213

To workaround the blocking check in the installer, you can manually apply the patch MantisBT master-2.27 518f3b9d or update install.php to disable the offending check (it's only a warning). Or wait until 2.27.1 is released.



2025-02-07 06:35

reporter   ~0069833

Thanks Dregad these are good news for me ..since:
1 - I'm running 2.26.4 so I should be ok with the actual Database schema. (I've performed a roolback from 2.27.0)
2 - If it is just a waring I'll wait for the release of the 2.27.1
Thanks a lot for you great and fast support.