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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005563mantisbtbugtrackerpublic2025-01-10 11:33
Reportergarethfiler Assigned Todregad  
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
Product Version1.0.0a2 
Summary0005563: Reverting a bug back to Resolved when the bug was closed

Should I be able to revert a closed bug back to Resolved when a bug had previously been closed?

I had a bug which was set to closed.

  1. I opened the bug 00001 to view the Issue simple details screen.
  2. I selected Resolved from the drop down box under"Change status To"
  3. In the resolve issue screen I said the bug 00001 was a duplicate of itself.
  4. The closed bug was returned to resolved status but in the Relationships list it has two relationships to this bug 00001 and 00001.

I would have though you would have stopped the issue 00001 being set back to any other state before closed. And maybe force the user to create another issue which can then have a relationship to the closed issue???

I hope this makes sence, if not please email me.

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child of 0005460 closedvboctor Critical Issues to Fix for Mantis 1.0.0 Release 




2005-06-03 15:46

reporter   ~0010356

You should not be able to mark an issue as a duplicate of itself when resolving it. An error should result and the issues will be left as they were.

Was the issue closed when you started this process?



2005-07-18 11:46

reporter   ~0010857

Last edited: 2005-07-27 15:15

According to the description, the bug was closed when they started the process. It looks like from the view simple screen, they changed the status to resolved, on the next screen related it to itself, and then successfully submitted it.

So, an issue should not be allowed to be related to itself (as noted above). Setting it back to another state once closed is and should be configurable based on login type, right?



2025-01-10 11:33

developer   ~0069652

The ability to change from one status to another is controlled by the workflow.

If you try to relate an issue to itself, Mantis will throw APPLICATION ERROR 1101 You cannot set an issue as a duplicate of itself.

Resolving this as "no change required".