View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009261mantisbtplug-inspublic2024-09-28 20:05
Reportercas Assigned Todregad  
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
Product Version1.2.0a1 
Summary0009261: FAQ plugin 0.91

This plugin enables a FAQ option on the main menu.
The FAQ can be searched in a number of ways.
Each FAQ can be connected sitewide or to a specific project.
In addition a link can be added to the bugview pages such that an issue can be promoted to a FAQ.
Rights can be set who is allowed to do this.

Additional Information

Automate creation/deletion of table.
Have not got this to work yet, should become vailable in version 1.0

Any comments/suggestions are welcome.

Tagsfaq, plugin
Attached Files
FAQ.ZIP (23,259 bytes)
FAQ-0.92.ZIP (18,932 bytes)
FAQ95.ZIP (18,334 bytes)
FAQ96.ZIP (18,454 bytes)
strings_german.txt (1,224 bytes)   
$s_plugin_FAQ_menu_link = "FAQ";
$s_plugin_FAQ_add_faq = "Neue FAQ hinzufügen";
$s_plugin_FAQ_add_faq_title = "Neue FAQ";
$s_plugin_FAQ_post_faq_button = "FAQ veröffentlichen";
$s_plugin_FAQ_question = "Frage";
$s_plugin_FAQ_answere = "Antwort";
$s_plugin_FAQ_delete_faq_sure_msg = "Soll diese FAQ wirklich gelöscht werden? ";
$s_plugin_FAQ_delete_faq_item_button = "Lösche FAQ";
$s_plugin_FAQ_edit_faq_title = "Bearbeite FAQ";
$s_plugin_FAQ_update_faq_button = "Aktualisiere FAQ";
$s_plugin_FAQ_import_faq = "In FAQ veröffentlichen";
$s_plugin_FAQ_search_string = "Den gesamten Text durchsuchen";
$s_plugin_FAQ_close_window = "Fenster schließen";
// config section
$s_plugin_FAQ_title = "Mantis FAQ";
$s_plugin_FAQ_config = "Konfiguration";
$s_plugin_FAQ_promote_text = "Probleme können in FAQ veröffentlicht werden";
$s_plugin_FAQ_project_text = "FAQ projektspezifisch abspeichern";
$s_plugin_FAQ_threshold_text = "Minimale Zugangsberechtigung um FAQ zu erstellen";
$s_plugin_FAQ_view_check = "Zugangsberechtigung zum Ansehen der FAQ verwenden";
$s_plugin_FAQ_view_threshold = "Minimale Zugangsberechtigung um FAQ anzusehen";
$s_plugin_FAQ_view_window = "FAQs in neuem Fenster öffnen";
strings_german.txt (1,224 bytes)   
FAQ099.ZIP (18,442 bytes)
FAQ099b.ZIP (19,052 bytes)
FAQ100.ZIP (18,904 bytes)
FAQ101.ZIP (18,971 bytes)
brackets_problem.png (1,380 bytes)   
brackets_problem.png (1,380 bytes)   


has duplicate 0001244 closedgrangeway Ability to export marked bugs to FAQs 
has duplicate 0006188 closedgrangeway adding FAQ option 




2008-06-13 09:15

reporter   ~0018071

Definitely an interesting plugin. I'm going to integrate that bug view menu event into trunk today, since you're the second person who's wanted to use that.

However, you seem to be doing some things the hard way, and you are missing out on some of the plugin framework that would help simplify your plugin. If you'd like to look at some of the plugins that I've been working on as a guide on how you can improve yours, I have two Git repositories hosted on GitHub: - this contains the most advanced plugin set, which should show you the "right" way to set up things like hooking events and setting up database schemas to be handled automatically by the framework. - these are a bit older and simpler, but still might be of use to you

Also, you use htmlspecialchars() in a couple places when creating links, but you should be using urlencode() instead.

I know the plugin documentation is rather sparse where it does exist, and rather lacking in most everything. Hopefully I'll be able to get that situation rectified when I get the chance.



2008-06-13 10:31

reporter   ~0018075

Thanks for the feedback, will take a look at your work and try to use to improve this plugin.
We are not yet @ version 1.0

Also noticed that although there is a reference to EVENT_MENU_MANAGE and EVENT_MENU_MANAGE_CONFIG, those have not been implemented yet(should be a separate issue).

The htmlspecialchars comes fom the past. I actually transferred an existing set of scripts into a plugin.



2008-06-13 10:35

reporter   ~0018076

Yes, there are still a few events that are not yet implemented. I'm working on those as I get the chance.

Blue Ninja

Blue Ninja

2008-06-13 13:34

reporter   ~0018079

Hi - just installed this plugin (thus replacing my own custom, static FAQ page), and had a bit of hopefully constructive feedback.

  1. It would be nice if FAQ items for "All Projects" would show up in all projects, not just when "All PRojects" is shown. For example, I have some general reporting guidelines in the FAQ, that I'd like to show up regardless of the project selected.

  2. On the FAQ page, there is a list of questions, and answers. Clicking the question opens it and the answer in a new page. Perhaps the main FAQ page should either only list the questions, or list all the questions first at the top, and clicking them will jump to the answer below. This would make it easier to browse through the list of questions more easily.

  3. Lastly, it would be a nice capability to set the access level for specific FAQ entries. For example, there may be an entry related to an issue only managers or developers should see.

Overall, this looks like a great plugin - thanks for your efforts!



2008-06-15 11:33

reporter   ~0018095

Last edited: 2008-06-15 11:38

Here is the next update, made some changes, got the automatic creation of the table working (not updating/deleting the table yet, have seen no samples yet).
Looked @ the comments of our ninja and included items 1 & 3 , took a different approach on 2 by making it possible to open FAQ in a separate window.

Blue Ninja

Blue Ninja

2008-06-15 11:56

reporter   ~0018096

Thanks, looking good so far! I came across Bug 0009267 when trying to update some of the plugin settings, but that's not the plugins fault. Thanks for addressing those suggestions so quickly.



2008-06-16 13:31

reporter   ~0018109

Using the

print_successful_redirect( plugin_page( $name, true ) );
form will fix the problem mentioned by Blue Ninja.

Blue Ninja

Blue Ninja

2008-06-16 13:32

reporter   ~0018110

It seems this isn't necessarily a core plugin system issue, but is independent for each plugin. It's been resolved in the Formatting plugin, but is still exhibited in the FAQ plugin. Looks like you'll have to make the same change here as was made in 0009267.



2008-06-17 02:00

reporter   ~0018114

This indeed fixed the problem. has been handled in source code.



2009-03-16 11:26

reporter   ~0021059

Updated version using the default EVENT_MENU_ISSUE.



2009-03-19 05:54

reporter   ~0021107

@cas, I add plugin to git repositary.
Can you connect with me? IRC, Skype, Email, Forum, Jabber?



2009-03-19 08:55

reporter   ~0021110

have send you a pm on the forum for details.



2009-03-20 07:17

reporter   ~0021128

Last edited: 2009-03-20 07:27

In 0.95 I have error
SYSTEM WARNING: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
, and I fix in Git.

@cas, I write to you: Skype.



2009-03-20 13:17

reporter   ~0021134

Since i am not fully working with Git, can you explain here the problem and solution?



2009-03-20 13:36

reporter   ~0021135

Small updates in version 0.96.



2009-07-30 13:00

reporter   ~0022618

On uploaded 0.96.3 with fix for last git changes.



2009-10-11 20:46

reporter   ~0023129

Does anyone have a version for Mantis 1.1.8 ... I dont use 1.2 and dont plan too any time soon. Best, Tom



2009-10-16 13:38

reporter   ~0023220

It's only for 1.2.x plugin system.
For 1.x.x you can see



2009-11-05 05:23

manager   ~0023584

I've installed the FAQ plugin to check it out and noticed that it fails due to PHP notices. The ones I found were when adding a new FAQ question and when attempting to view the full FAQ list.

Please test the plugin with all error types enabled with action halt to have the code error / notice free.



2009-11-05 07:12

reporter   ~0023590

@Victor, can you connect with me? I test on my server - I haven't notice and error.



2009-11-11 12:06

reporter   ~0023657

I could really use the ability to link one faq to another. I find I am doing that a lot just by typing the title. links would work great!



2010-07-01 03:24

reporter   ~0026006

Thanks for that plugin, it's really valuable!
I created a german translation file.

I also found a bug: Although setting "Use Minimum level for viewing FAQ" to "On" and setting the "Minimum level for viewing FAQ" to "administrator", everyone can see the FAQ, even if he has only viewer rights. Is this a known issue? Will it be fixed?



2010-12-22 06:36

reporter   ~0027663

Version 0.99 is a bugfix release.
Issue mentioned by karl adjusted, ie "Use Minimum level for viewing FAQ" should have read, "Adjust future FAQ before promoting".
The setting "Minimum level for viewing FAQ" should work regardless.



2010-12-22 07:24

reporter   ~0027666

0.99b has also the (adjusted) german text file



2010-12-22 09:31

reporter   ~0027672

Last edited: 2010-12-22 09:32

Hello cas. Thank you for the new version.

I tested v0.99b and found two issues:
1) The setting "Minimum level for viewing FAQ" is still not working, i.e. a user logged on with a low access right, can still see FAQ, although I configured the threshold to "administrator". So 0009261:0026006 is still not solved.
2) The german translation is not display, although my account is set to "german". Always the english strings are displayed.

Best regards and a merry christmas! Karl



2010-12-23 06:00

reporter   ~0027681

hope version 1 covers all.



2011-01-03 04:25

reporter   ~0027775

Hello cas. Thanks for the new version. However, now I get a lot of errors from missing translation on FAQ's configuration page, no matter, if I set my account to English or German language setting. Please see attachment ...



2011-01-03 05:36

reporter   ~0027777

Well, i am not giving up on this one. Have tested it in German and all seems to be fine in version 1.01



2011-01-03 08:09

reporter   ~0027779

Last edited: 2011-01-03 08:11

Hello cas. Thanks again for your ongoing effort! I tested the new v1.01 and found 3 minor and 2 major issue:


  • When creating a new FAQ entry and afterwards trying to edit it, when trying to save the changes I get "APPLICATION ERROR #200: A required parameter to this page (faq_view_threshold) was not found."
  • I'm working with custom roles. I have set the "Minimum treshold to create FAQ" to "administrator" and my user has lower rights than admin in all his projects. Nevertheless, in some projects he is able to "Add FAQ" via the FAQ main menu link.


  • The german translation for "Maintain FAQ before promoting" is "Wenn ein problem zum FAQ veröffentlicht wird, erst bearbeiten". I don't understand, what this option means, neither in English nor in German. Can you please explain it to me? Than I will try to find a good German translation for that.
  • When a user neither has the right to view nor to create FAQ entries, still the FAQ menu entry is displayed on top. Is it possible to make it disappear, if the user has no right to do anything with FAQs at all?
  • When option "Issues can be promoted to FAQ's" is set to off, the text "Promote to FAQ" within an issue disappears. But the "[ ]" still are displayed (without any hyperlink, of course). These should disappear, too. Please see brackets_problem.png


2011-01-03 10:32

reporter   ~0027782

First the explanation:
Standard when you promote an issue to a FAQ, it uses the Summary and Category as "Question" and uses Description and Additional Information as the "Answer".
If this option is switched on, one can maintain the new FAQ before posting to the DB. In case your current translation is ok, I will change this accordingly.

The other items I will need to look into.



2011-01-03 10:43

reporter   ~0027784

Hello cas. Please change the translation "Wenn ein problem zum FAQ veröffentlicht wird, erst bearbeiten" (English: "Maintain FAQ before promoting") to "FAQ bearbeiten, bevor FAQ aus einem Problem erzeugt wird". Thanks!



2011-01-28 13:39

reporter   ~0028112

First of all, thanks for taking time to develop this plugin.
I've installed the latest version of your plugin on my Mantis 1.2.4 using git.
I want to have FAQS for updaters and other FAQS for developers only, so that updaters cannot see developers' FAQS.
To sum up, how can I customize your plugin to add permission levels to view FAQS ?

Thanks in advance.



2011-01-31 03:43

reporter   ~0028114

This should be standard functionality. There is a minimum level to access FAQ in general which controls having access or not.
Next with each FAQ one can set the level of access seperately. When showing the FAQ-page it filters the faq's based upon the global access of the person logged on versus the view-level of each faq.



2011-01-31 15:28

reporter   ~0028129

Last edited: 2011-01-31 15:29

This is WAY off-topic, but I cannot find any other way of asking the question.

I am a Mantis BT user, and create notes regularly. I can reference other issues from the note of one issue ( using the "#" notation ) but I have not yet figured out how to reference a specific note from within another note.

I notice that @KarlReichert does that here, above; in note 9261:27672, he references note 9261:26006.

Is anyone able to enlighten me, please.

Many thanks,

Simon May



2011-01-31 15:36

developer   ~0028130

simon.may, these are the recommended ways to get support

This is the way to reference to notes



2024-09-28 20:05

developer   ~0069286

The 3rd party FAQ plugin is available and maintained on GitHub

I see no point in keeping this Issue open here.