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MantisBT Plugins

Plugins list


  • This list has been sorted alphabetically. Plugin names that begin with the name Mantis are not under M but under the specialty name of the plugin. For example, MantisStats is under S.
  • The above list is by no means exhaustive. We are not aware of every available plugin.
    • If you authored a plugin which is not referenced here, please post a note to the Forum Plugins Section to let us know.
    • Plugins that were last updated prior to 2015 have intentionally not been listed here, as they are likely to be v1 only.
  • References to MantisBT release (v1) (v2) or (v1&2) are not certain, but information/assumptions made from viewing the code. A missing MantisBT version indicator only indicates we are not certain of the exact release and it may be updated later. Please let us know of updates or corrections.
  • (N/A) indicates there is no information available for the plugin
  • If you have questions about a plugin, please contact the plugin author and/or post a note to the Forum Plugins Section. MantisBT core developers may not be able to help with a specific plugin unless they themselves maintain it.
  • There is no guarantee that any plugin here is complete or functional.
  • There is no guarantee of any kind for any of this Free and Open Source Software.
  • Use at your own risk.

Where to find the plugins

Many MantisBT plugins can be found at Others may be hosted elsewhere by their respective authors.

More plugins can be found at Typically they are stored as issue attachments using own projects (look at projects starting with “Plugin -”) or project “mantisbt” and category “Plugins”. It is recommended that those are migrated to the mantisbt-plugins organisation.

Ask in the Forum Plugins Section for existing software, and/or please consider motivating someone to create or modify a plugin for you.

How to install a plugin

A plugin is simply a directory with files in it. To install one:

  1. Download and unzip the plugin files to your computer
  2. Upload the plugin directory and the files it contains files under <yourMantisRoot>/plugins
  3. In MantisBT go to page Manage > Manage Plugins. You will see a list of installed and currently not installed plugins
  4. Click the Install link to install a plugin.

Some plugins require patching MantisBT's core to operate (e.g. to add new Events). Please note that such changes are neither recommended nor supported by the MantisBT team, as they potentially introduce bugs and/or incompatibilities with future versions.

Use such plugins at your own risk!

The GitHub mantisbt-plugins organization

Hosting a new plugin

If you have authored a new Plugin and would like to have it hosted in our GitHub mantisbt-plugins organization, here is the simple process to follow:

  • If you don't have a GitHub account yet, sign up, it's free.
  • Make your request by either
  • Please include the following information in your message:
    • a link to the repository (we usually review the code before including it in the Organization)
    • the plugin's name and a short description (if not provided, we'll use the information in the source code, i.e. $this→name and $this→description)
    • the list of people who should have push access to the new repository (i.e. their Github user IDs), including yourself
  • If the plugin is a GitHub public repository that you own
    1. We will
      • Create a Team for you to manage the plugin
      • Setup access rights
      • Notify you by e-mail when it's done
    2. You can now transfer ownership of the repository, following the instructions on GitHub Help
    3. Let us know when you're done
  • If the plugin is not yet on GitHub (e.g. hosted elsewhere or a local repo)
    1. We will
      • Create a blank repository
      • Setup access rights
      • Notify you by e-mail when it's done
    2. Clone the new repository
    3. Commit and Push your changes
  • Don't forget to Reference your plugin in the list above.
    If you would like to have your own wiki page, again send us an e-mail and we'll create it for you

Access Control

This section describes how to manage the teams in the organization; it is targeted at the organization's owners.

Team name Description
Owners Organization's administrators
Core developers MantisBT core team members, have Push access to all plugins (this is maintained manually)
Plugin XXXX One team per plugin, granting Push access to the plugin

When adding a new plugin

  1. Name it after the plugin being added, i.e. Plugin XXXX
  2. Grant permissions
    • When transferring an existing GitHub repo, select Push, Pull and Administrative
      Note: Admin rights are required to transfer ownership, so they will be granted temporarily and removed afterwards
    • When creating a new plugin (blank repo), select Push & Pull
  3. Add members
  4. Add the repository
  5. Grant the core-developers team access to the repository

When transferring ownership of an existing repository

Follow the steps above, skipping 1, 6 and 7. Then, once the original owner has completed the transfer,

  • Revoke Administrative access from the Plugin XXXX group
  • Perform step 7
mantisbt/plugins/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/20 11:35 by dregad

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