View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0012830mantisbtplug-inspublic2025-01-20 11:52
Reporterbarnabas.sudy Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version1.2.4 
Summary0012830: new HTMLMail plugin v0.1

I'm working on a new HTMLMail plugin. The plugin is able to replace the content of the normal Mantis mail.
This plugin is developed for mantis 1.2.4.

Additional Information

For using you need to patch the mantis and install the plugin.
The email templates are written in php, so if you want to modify the content of the emails you must override the template files in the HTMLMail/templates directory. The email templates are indentified by the type of the message.

Tagsattachments, custom, email, html, HTMLmail, patch, plugin, template
Attached Files (23,864 bytes)
mantis-1.2.5-patch-for-htmlmail-0.1.patch (5,423 bytes)   
--- core/email_api.php	Thu Jan 15 09:14:12 1970
+++ core/email_api.php	Thu Jan 15 09:14:12 1970
@@ -447,7 +447,8 @@
 	# Send signup email regardless of mail notification pref
 	# or else users won't be able to sign up
 	if( !is_blank( $t_email ) ) {
-		email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message );
+		$t_params = array('admin_name' => $p_admin_name, 'user_id' => $p_user_id, 'confirm_hash' => $p_confirm_hash);
+		email_store( 'email_notification_signup', $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message, null, $t_params );
 		log_event( LOG_EMAIL, sprintf( 'Signup Email = %s, Hash = %s, User = @U%d', $t_email, $p_confirm_hash, $p_user_id ) );
 		if( OFF == config_get( 'email_send_using_cronjob' ) ) {
@@ -483,7 +484,8 @@
 	# Send password reset regardless of mail notification prefs
 	# or else users won't be able to receive their reset pws
 	if( !is_blank( $t_email ) ) {
-		email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message );
+		$t_params = array('user_id' => $p_user_id, 'confirm_hash' => $p_confirm_hash);
+		email_store('email_notification_forgotten_password', $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message, null, $t_params );
 		log_event( LOG_EMAIL, sprintf( 'Password reset for email = %s', $t_email ) );
 		if( OFF == config_get( 'email_send_using_cronjob' ) ) {
@@ -515,7 +517,7 @@
 		$t_message = lang_get( 'new_account_signup_msg' ) . "\n\n" . lang_get( 'new_account_username' ) . ' ' . $p_username . "\n" . lang_get( 'new_account_email' ) . ' ' . $p_email . "\n" . lang_get( 'new_account_IP' ) . ' ' . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "\n" . $g_path . "\n\n" . lang_get( 'new_account_do_not_reply' );
 		if( !is_blank( $t_recipient_email ) ) {
-			email_store( $t_recipient_email, $t_subject, $t_message );
+			email_store( 'email_notification_new_account', $t_recipient_email, $t_subject, $t_message );
 			log_event( LOG_EMAIL, sprintf( 'New Account Notify for email = \'%s\'', $t_recipient_email ) );
 			if( OFF == config_get( 'email_send_using_cronjob' ) ) {
@@ -781,7 +783,7 @@
  * @param array $p_headers
  * @return int
-function email_store( $p_recipient, $p_subject, $p_message, $p_headers = null ) {
+function email_store( $p_message_id, $p_recipient, $p_subject, $p_message, $p_headers = null, $p_params = null ) {
 	$t_recipient = trim( $p_recipient );
 	$t_subject = string_email( trim( $p_subject ) );
 	$t_message = string_email_links( trim( $p_message ) );
@@ -817,6 +819,8 @@
 	$t_email_data->metadata['hostname'] = $t_hostname;
+	$t_email_data = event_signal('EVENT_NOTIFY_EMAIL', $t_email_data, array( 'message_id' => $p_message_id, 'params' => $p_params,));
 	$t_email_id = email_queue_add( $t_email_data );
 	return $t_email_id;
@@ -930,7 +934,7 @@
-	$mail->IsHTML( false );              # set email format to plain text
+	$mail->IsHTML ( isset( $t_email_data->metadata['Content-Type'] ) && stripos( $t_email_data->metadata['Content-Type'], "text/html" ) !== false ) ;              # set email format to plain text
 	$mail->WordWrap = 80;              # set word wrap to 50 characters
 	$mail->Priority = $t_email_data->metadata['priority'];  # Urgent = 1, Not Urgent = 5, Disable = 0
 	$mail->CharSet = $t_email_data->metadata['charset'];
@@ -1126,8 +1130,10 @@
 		$t_header = "\n" . lang_get( 'on_date' ) . " $t_date, $t_sender $t_sender_email " . lang_get( 'sent_you_this_reminder_about' ) . ": \n\n";
 		$t_contents = $t_header . string_get_bug_view_url_with_fqdn( $p_bug_id, $t_recipient ) . " \n\n$p_message";
+		$t_params = array( 'message' => $p_message, 'bug_id' => $p_bug_id, 'recipient' => $t_recipient, 'sender' => $t_sender, 'sender_email' => $t_sender_email );
 		if( ON == config_get( 'enable_email_notification' ) ) {
-			email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_contents );
+			email_store( 'email_bug_reminder', $t_email, $t_subject, $t_contents, null, $t_params );
@@ -1189,7 +1195,7 @@
 	# send mail
-	$t_ok = email_store( $t_user_email, $t_subject, $t_message, $t_mail_headers );
+	$t_ok = email_store( $p_message_id, $t_user_email, $t_subject, $t_message, $t_mail_headers, array_merge($p_visible_bug_data, array('header_optional_params' => $p_header_optional_params)));
 	return $t_ok;
--- core/events_inc.php	Thu Jan 15 09:14:12 1970
+++ core/events_inc.php	Thu Jan 15 09:14:12 1970
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@
 	# Email notification events
 	# Wiki events
--- manage_user_update.php	Thu Jan 15 09:14:12 1970
+++ manage_user_update.php	Thu Jan 15 09:14:12 1970
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
 			$t_subject = '[' . config_get( 'window_title' ) . '] ' . lang_get( 'email_user_updated_subject' );
 			$t_updated_msg = lang_get( 'email_user_updated_msg' );
 			$t_message = $t_updated_msg . "\n\n" . config_get( 'path' ) . 'account_page.php' . "\n\n" . $t_changes;
-			email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message );
+			email_store( 'email_notification_user_update', $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message, null, array( 'changes' => $t_changes ) );
 			log_event( LOG_EMAIL, sprintf( 'Account update notification sent to ' . $f_username . ' (' . $t_email . ')' ) );
 			if ( config_get( 'email_send_using_cronjob' ) == OFF ) {
01-1.2.7-patch-to-use-HTMLMail-0.1.patch (7,349 bytes)   
	Index: core/email_api.php
--- a/core/email_api.php
+++ b/core/email_api.php
@@ -447,7 +447,8 @@ function email_signup( $p_user_id, $p_password, $p_confirm_hash, $p_admin_name =
 	# Send signup email regardless of mail notification pref
 	# or else users won't be able to sign up
 	if( !is_blank( $t_email ) ) {
-		email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message );
+		$t_params = array( 'admin_name' => $p_admin_name, 'user_id' => $p_user_id, 'confirm_hash' => $p_confirm_hash );
+		email_store( 'email_notification_signup', $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message, null, $t_params );
 		log_event( LOG_EMAIL, sprintf( 'Signup Email = %s, Hash = %s, User = @U%d', $t_email, $p_confirm_hash, $p_user_id ) );
 		if( OFF == config_get( 'email_send_using_cronjob' ) ) {
@@ -483,7 +484,8 @@ function email_send_confirm_hash_url( $p_user_id, $p_confirm_hash ) {
 	# Send password reset regardless of mail notification prefs
 	# or else users won't be able to receive their reset pws
 	if( !is_blank( $t_email ) ) {
-		email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message );
+		$t_params = array( 'user_id' => $p_user_id, 'confirm_hash' => $p_confirm_hash );
+		email_store( 'email_notification_forgotten_password', $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message, null, $t_params );
 		log_event( LOG_EMAIL, sprintf( 'Password reset for email = %s', $t_email ) );
 		if( OFF == config_get( 'email_send_using_cronjob' ) ) {
@@ -515,7 +517,7 @@ function email_notify_new_account( $p_username, $p_email ) {
 		$t_message = lang_get( 'new_account_signup_msg' ) . "\n\n" . lang_get( 'new_account_username' ) . ' ' . $p_username . "\n" . lang_get( 'new_account_email' ) . ' ' . $p_email . "\n" . lang_get( 'new_account_IP' ) . ' ' . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "\n" . $g_path . "\n\n" . lang_get( 'new_account_do_not_reply' );
 		if( !is_blank( $t_recipient_email ) ) {
-			email_store( $t_recipient_email, $t_subject, $t_message );
+			email_store( 'email_notification_new_account', $t_recipient_email, $t_subject, $t_message );
 			log_event( LOG_EMAIL, sprintf( 'New Account Notify for email = \'%s\'', $t_recipient_email ) );
 			if( OFF == config_get( 'email_send_using_cronjob' ) ) {
@@ -781,7 +783,7 @@ function email_bug_deleted( $p_bug_id ) {
  * @param array $p_headers
  * @return int
-function email_store( $p_recipient, $p_subject, $p_message, $p_headers = null ) {
+function email_store( $p_message_id, $p_recipient, $p_subject, $p_message, $p_headers = null, $p_params = null ) {
 	$t_recipient = trim( $p_recipient );
 	$t_subject = string_email( trim( $p_subject ) );
 	$t_message = string_email_links( trim( $p_message ) );
@@ -817,6 +819,8 @@ function email_store( $p_recipient, $p_subject, $p_message, $p_headers = null )
 	$t_email_data->metadata['hostname'] = $t_hostname;
+	$t_email_data = event_signal( 'EVENT_NOTIFY_EMAIL', $t_email_data, array( 'message_id' => $p_message_id, 'params' => $p_params ) );
 	$t_email_id = email_queue_add( $t_email_data );
 	return $t_email_id;
@@ -930,7 +934,7 @@ function email_send( $p_email_data ) {
-	$mail->IsHTML( false );              # set email format to plain text
+	$mail->IsHTML( isset( $t_email_data->metadata['Content-Type'] ) && stripos( $t_email_data->metadata['Content-Type'], "text/html" ) !== false );
 	$mail->WordWrap = 80;              # set word wrap to 50 characters
 	$mail->Priority = $t_email_data->metadata['priority'];  # Urgent = 1, Not Urgent = 5, Disable = 0
 	$mail->CharSet = $t_email_data->metadata['charset'];
@@ -1126,8 +1130,10 @@ function email_bug_reminder( $p_recipients, $p_bug_id, $p_message ) {
 		$t_header = "\n" . lang_get( 'on_date' ) . " $t_date, $t_sender $t_sender_email " . lang_get( 'sent_you_this_reminder_about' ) . ": \n\n";
 		$t_contents = $t_header . string_get_bug_view_url_with_fqdn( $p_bug_id, $t_recipient ) . " \n\n$p_message";
+		$t_params = array( 'message' => $p_message, 'bug_id' => $p_bug_id, 'recipient' => $t_recipient, 'sender' => $t_sender, 'sender_email' => $t_sender_email );
 		if( ON == config_get( 'enable_email_notification' ) ) {
-			email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_contents );
+			email_store( 'email_bug_reminder', $t_email, $t_subject, $t_contents, null, $t_params );
@@ -1189,7 +1195,7 @@ function email_bug_info_to_one_user( $p_visible_bug_data, $p_message_id, $p_proj
 	# send mail
-	$t_ok = email_store( $t_user_email, $t_subject, $t_message, $t_mail_headers );
+	$t_ok = email_store( $p_message_id, $t_user_email, $t_subject, $t_message, $t_mail_headers, array_merge( $p_visible_bug_data, array( 'header_optional_params' => $p_header_optional_params ) ) );
 	return $t_ok;
index: core/events_inc.php
--- a/core/events_inc.php
+++ b/core/events_inc.php
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ event_declare_many( array(
 	# Email notification events
 	# Wiki events
index: docbook/developers/en/event-reference-notify.sgml
--- a/docbook/developers/en/event-reference-notify.sgml
+++ b/docbook/developers/en/event-reference-notify.sgml
@@ -55,4 +55,31 @@
+	<sect2 id="">
+		<title>Email notification </title>
+		<blockquote id="">
+			<title>EVENT_NOTIFY_EMAIL (Chained)</title>
+			<blockquote>
+				<para>
+					This event allows a plugin to modify an email notification message before it is sent.
+				</para>
+				<itemizedlist>
+					<title>Parameters</title>
+					<listitem><para>&lt;Complex&gt;: email message to be sent, EmailData object (see core\email_queue_api.php)</para></listitem>
+					<listitem><para>&lt;String&gt;: message type identificator</para></listitem>
+					<listitem><para>&lt;Array&gt;: message parameters</para></listitem>
+				</itemizedlist>
+				<itemizedlist>
+					<title>Return Value</title>
+					<listitem><para>&lt;Complex&gt;: email message to be sent, EmailData object</para></listitem>
+				</itemizedlist>
+			</blockquote>
+		</blockquote>
+	</sect2>
index: manage_user_update.php
--- a/manage_user_update.php
+++ b/manage_user_update.php
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ if ( $f_send_email_notification ) {
 			$t_subject = '[' . config_get( 'window_title' ) . '] ' . lang_get( 'email_user_updated_subject' );
 			$t_updated_msg = lang_get( 'email_user_updated_msg' );
 			$t_message = $t_updated_msg . "\n\n" . config_get( 'path' ) . 'account_page.php' . "\n\n" . $t_changes;
-			email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message );
+			email_store( 'email_notification_user_update', $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message, null, array( 'changes' => $t_changes ) );
 			log_event( LOG_EMAIL, sprintf( 'Account update notification sent to ' . $f_username . ' (' . $t_email . ')' ) );
 			if ( config_get( 'email_send_using_cronjob' ) == OFF ) {
02-1.2.7-email_attachments.patch (4,154 bytes)   
Index: core/email_api.php
--- a/core/email_api.php
+++ b/core/email_api.php
@@ -992,6 +992,17 @@
+	if( isset( $t_email_data->metadata['attachments'] ) && is_array( $t_email_data->metadata['attachments'] ) ) {
+		if( count( $t_email_data->metadata['attachments'] ) > 0 ){
+			log_event( LOG_EMAIL, 'Attachments: '.print_r($t_email_data->metadata['attachments'],true ) );
+			$t_files = file_get_attachments( $t_email_data->metadata['attachments'] );
+			log_event( LOG_EMAIL, 'Read '.count( $t_files ).' file(s) to be attached to the email' );
+			foreach( $t_files as $t_index => $t_file ) {
+				$mail->AddStringAttachment( $t_file['content'], $t_file['display_name']  );
+				log_event( LOG_EMAIL, 'Attachment '.$t_file['display_name'].', size = '.$t_file['size'].' added' );
+			}
+		}
+	}
 		if ( !$mail->Send() ) {
Index: core/email_queue_api.php
--- a/core/email_queue_api.php
+++ b/core/email_queue_api.php
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 	var $body = '';
 	var $metadata = array(
 		'headers' => array(),
+		'attachments' => array(),
 	// auto-populated properties
Index: core/file_api.php
--- a/core/file_api.php
+++ b/core/file_api.php
@@ -435,6 +435,7 @@
 function file_ftp_get( $p_conn_id, $p_local_filename, $p_remote_filename ) {
 	$download = ftp_get( $p_conn_id, $p_local_filename, $p_remote_filename, FTP_BINARY );
+	return $download;
 # Delete a file from the ftp server
@@ -455,6 +456,61 @@
+# --------------------
+# Gets an array of attachments whose ids are included in the passed array.
+# Content of the files are fetched basing on the 'file_upload_method' config value
+# Each element of the result array contains the following:
+# id - Id of the file in the database
+# bug_id - Id of the bug that the file is attached to
+# display_name - The attachment display name (i.e. file name dot extension)
+# size - The attachment size in bytes.
+# date_added - The date where the attachment was added.
+# content - content of the file
+# diskfile - The name of the file on disk.  Typically this is a hash without an extension.
+function file_get_attachments( $p_file_ids ) {
+	$t_result_array = array();
+	$t_ids = is_array( $p_file_ids ) ? $p_file_ids : array( $p_file_ids );
+	$t_ids = array_unique( $t_ids );
+	$t_bug_file_table = db_get_table( 'mantis_bug_file_table' );
+	$query = "SELECT id, bug_id, filename AS display_name, filesize AS size, date_added, content, diskfile
+		FROM $t_bug_file_table
+		WHERE id IN (" .implode( ",", $t_ids ).")";
+	$result = db_query_bound( $query );
+	$t_project_id = -1;
+	$t_bug_id = -1;
+	while ( $row = db_fetch_array( $result ) ) {
+		if( $t_bug_id != $row['bug_id'] ){
+			$t_bug_id = $row['bug_id'];
+			$t_project_id = bug_get_field( $t_bug_id, 'project_id' );
+		}
+		switch ( config_get( 'file_upload_method' ) ) {
+		case DISK:
+			$t_local_disk_file = file_normalize_attachment_path( $row['diskfile'], $t_project_id );
+			if ( file_exists( $t_local_disk_file ) )
+				$row['content'] = file_get_contents( $t_local_disk_file );
+			else
+				$row['content'] = "file [".$row['display_name']."] not found (disk)";
+			break;
+		case FTP:
+			$t_local_disk_file = file_normalize_attachment_path( $row['diskfile'], $t_project_id );
+			if ( !file_exists( $t_local_disk_file ) ) {
+				$t_ftp = file_ftp_connect();
+				$t_downloaded = file_ftp_get( $t_ftp, $t_local_disk_file, $row['diskfile'] );
+				file_ftp_disconnect( $ftp );
+				if( $downloaded )
+					$row['content'] = file_get_contents( $t_local_disk_file );
+				else
+					$row['content'] = "file [".$row['display_name']."] not found (ftp)";
+			} else {
+				$row['content'] = file_get_contents( $t_local_disk_file );
+			}
+		}
+		$t_result_array[] = $row;
+	}
+	return $t_result_array;
 # Return the specified field value
 function file_get_field( $p_file_id, $p_field_name, $p_table = 'bug' ) {
 	$c_field_name = db_prepare_string( $p_field_name );
HTMLMail.php (6,560 bytes)   
# MantisBT - a php based bugtracking system

# MantisBT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# MantisBT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with MantisBT.  If not, see <>.

 * This plugin can reformat the mantis e-mails using the templates in the templates directory.
 * @package BlackSun Plc.
 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2010 - 2011  Barnabas Sudy -
require_once( config_get( 'class_path' ) . 'MantisPlugin.class.php' );

class HTMLMailPlugin extends MantisPlugin {
	function register() {
		$this->name = "HTMLMail"; # Proper name of plugin
		$this->description = "HTML mail capability"; # Short description of the plugin
		$this->page = ""; # Default plugin page
		$this->version = "0.1"; # Plugin version string
		$this->requires = array( # Plugin dependencies, array of basename => version pairs
			'MantisCore' => '1.2', # Should always depend on an appropriate 
		$this->author = "Black Sun Plc."; # Author/team name
		$this->contact = ""; # Author/team e-mail address
		$this->url = ""; # Support webpage
	function hooks() {
		return array(
			'EVENT_NOTIFY_EMAIL' => 'html_email_formatter',

	function html_email_formatter( $p_event, $p_email, $p_message_id, $p_params ) {
		if ( ( $t_template = $this->html_mail_load_template( $p_message_id ) ) !== false) { 
			$t_normal_date_format   = config_get( 'normal_date_format' );
			$t_complete_date_format = config_get( 'complete_date_format' );
			$t_message_title =  lang_get_defaulted( $p_message_id, null );
				# grab the project name
			$p_params['email_subject_bug_id_part'] = '[' . $p_params['email_project'] . ' ' . bug_format_id( $p_params['email_bug'] ) . '] ';
			$p_params['email_status_formatted']          = get_enum_element( 'status',          $p_params['email_status']          );
			$p_params['email_severity_formatted']        = get_enum_element( 'severity',        $p_params['email_severity']        );
			$p_params['email_priority_formatted']        = get_enum_element( 'priority',        $p_params['email_priority']        );
			$p_params['email_reproducibility_formatted'] = get_enum_element( 'reproducibility', $p_params['email_reproducibility'] );
			$p_params['email_date_submitted_formatted']  = date( $t_complete_date_format, $p_params['email_date_submitted'] );
			$p_params['email_last_modified_formatted']   = date( $t_complete_date_format, $p_params['email_last_modified']  );
			$t_params = array_merge( $p_params, array( 'message_title' => $t_message_title , 'message_id' => $p_message_id, ) );
			$p_email->body = $this->html_mail_format($t_template, $t_params);
			$p_email->metadata['Content-Type'] = 'text/html';
			log_event( LOG_EMAIL,'Before attaching file_id to EmailData');
			if( is_array( $p_params ) && is_array( $p_params['history'] ) ) {
				log_event( LOG_EMAIL,'Bug history defined' );
				$t_reporter_id = bug_get_field( $p_params['email_bug'], 'reporter_id' );
				$t_deleted = array();
				$t_added = array();
				//$t_assigned = config_get( 'bug_resolved_status_threshold' );
				log_event( LOG_EMAIL,'Bug ['.$p_params['email_bug'].'] exists, selecting files to attach' );
				$t_was_more_than_assigned = false;
				for( $i = count( $p_params['history'] ) - 1; $i>=0; $i-- ){
					if( $p_params['history'][$i]['type'] == NORMAL_TYPE 
					&& $p_params['history'][$i]['field'] == 'status' 
					&& $p_params['history'][$i]['new_value'] > ASSIGNED ) {
						if( $t_was_more_than_assigned )
						$t_was_more_than_assigned = true;
					if( $p_params['history'][$i]['type'] == FILE_DELETED ){
						$t_deleted[] = $p_params['history'][$i]['old_value'];
					if( $p_params['history'][$i]['type'] == FILE_ADDED 
					&& $p_params['history'][$i]['userid'] != $t_reporter_id ){
						if( in_array( $p_params['history'][$i]['old_value'], $t_deleted ) ){
							unset( $t_deleted[array_search( $p_params['history'][$i]['old_value'], $t_deleted )] );
						} else {
							$t_added[] = $p_params['history'][$i]['old_value'];
				if( count( $t_added ) > 0 ){
					$t_files = bug_get_attachments( $p_params['email_bug'] );
					foreach( $t_files as $file ){
						if( in_array( $file['filename'], $t_added ) ){
							$p_email->metadata['attachments'][] = $file['id'];
			} else {
				log_event( LOG_EMAIL,'Bug history not defined - no attachments added' );
			log_event( LOG_EMAIL,'After attach_files_to_emaildata called' );
                        log_event( LOG_EMAIL,'HTML email body:\n '.$p_email->body );
                        log_event( LOG_EMAIL,'\n$params available for email template:\n '.print_r( $p_params ,true) );

		return $p_email;
	function html_mail_load_template($p_message_id) {
		$t_filename = config_get_global( 'plugin_path' ) . plugin_get_current() . '\\templates\\' . $p_message_id . ".tpl";
		if ( is_file( $t_filename ) && is_readable( $t_filename ) ) {
			$t_file = fopen( $t_filename, "r" );
			$t_content = fread( $t_file, filesize( $t_filename ) );
			fclose( $t_file );
			return $t_content;
		} else {
			return false;
	function array_to_table($array) {
		$paramtable = "<table>\n";
		foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
			$paramtable .= "<tr><td>$key</td><td>";
			if (is_array($value)) {
				$paramtable .= array_to_table($value);
			} else {
				$paramtable .= $value;
			$paramtable .= "</td></tr>\n";
		$paramtable .= "</table>\n";
		return $paramtable;
	function html_mail_format($t_template, $parameters) {
		$t_evalresult = eval("?>" . $t_template . "<?php ");
		$t_result = ob_get_contents();
		if ( $t_evalresult === false && ( $t_error = error_get_last() ) ) {
			return $t_template;
		} else {
			return $t_result;
HTMLMail.php (6,560 bytes)   


related to 0013692 new Extending e-mail notifications with a short summary of changed properties 
related to 0001400 assignedvboctor Feature to send HTML-formatted e-mail instead of text e-mail 
has duplicate 0014510 closedatrol Allowing Plugins to handle email sending 
has duplicate 0020586 closedatrol support html templates in email reporting 
has duplicate 0025670 closeddregad Is there a way to enable HTML emails (PHPMailer) without changing the value $mail->isHTML( false ); in the core? 
has duplicate 0033357 closedatrol Custom HTML message email format 
related to 0009602 assignedvboctor Email Notification with Attachment 
related to 0010084 acknowledged Integration with jabber? 
related to 0012639 new Fields in email always display, despite the fact that they are not displayed anywhere in pages 
related to 0008986 new customized eMail subjects 
related to 0014006 closedatrol Impossibility to configure which fields are displayed in the email of notification 
related to 0024038 closedatrol Besoin Plugin HTMLMail V2.0 
related to 0035247 confirmed Data too long for column 'body' when adding a note to an Issue 




2011-03-19 18:36

reporter   ~0028444

Thanks - working great here!

Just a small note: To use this on a Linux-based server I had to replace the windows-specific '\' in the function HTMLMailPlugin::html_mail_load_template():

$t_filename = config_get_global( 'plugin_path' ) . plugin_get_current() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $p_message_id . ".tpl";



2011-07-15 10:22

reporter   ~0029176

Last edited: 2011-07-15 10:25

@barnabas.sudy, thanks a lot!

Since the old HTMLMail-0.0.7.pkg is no more compatible with Mantis 1.2.*, this "new" plugin is the only solution until Mantis 1.3 is not released.

I modified the patch included in the zip so the plugin can be now installed on 1.2.5. I installed it and as far as I see, it works!

If there is interest in development of this plugin and the templates, we can start a repo? Do you know the development status of email templates in 1.3?



2011-08-09 05:59

reporter   ~0029409

I can confirm that the patch I provided (mantis-1.2.5-patch-for-htmlmail-0.1.patch) and the plugin seem to be compatible with mantisbt 1.2.6
(patch can be applied flawlessly, some templates work)



2011-08-16 05:54

reporter   ~0029483

Currently I am working on adding to this plugin attachments. In my installation it email attachments work, but they needed some changes in the Mantis core. I will work on introducing this changes to the next (1.2.7 ?) stable release.



2011-10-06 07:57

reporter   ~0029924

currently this plugin works with 1.2.4-7 (I will upload patch for Mantis 1.2.7 soon)
I tried to push the patch to the mainstream of mantis development but the developers refused to incorporate the changes to the 1.2.*

Once I have some more time (read: I finally integrate FileMaker with Mantis), I will try to contribute to 1.3



2011-10-26 12:42

reporter   ~0030081

So, I've just uploaded the patches for 1.2.7 and modified plugin file that can send attachments.
This week I will move my local Mantis to 1.2.8 so expect new files for 1.2.8 soon



2011-11-04 09:03

reporter   ~0030170

Anxiously waiting for your patch... :)



2011-11-07 03:44

reporter   ~0030183

Last edited: 2011-11-07 03:45

Unfortunately, I had not had time so far to upgrade my local system, but I have checked today the my patches for 1.2.7 against 1.2.8 and they are at least syntactically compatible with the last, 1.2.8 release of Mantis so they can be applied without modifications.
I know that the 1.2.8 upgrade did not introduce any "significant" changes in the functionality, rather security updates so I expect the patches should not break you 1.2.8 installation.



2011-11-07 04:06

reporter   ~0030185

And just one note about attachments.
There is such a functionality in the uploaded of HTMLMail plugin that attaches to the notification emails all the files attached not by the (current) reporter. It is especially useful when reporters use only emails (EmailReporting) to interact with Mantis system.
There is no config option to turn the email attachments off (so far), but if there is more testers, I will try to introduce it.



2012-01-05 04:48

reporter   ~0030801

Last edited: 2012-01-05 11:11

Just installed on the latest Mantis (1.2.8) and HTML Mail works fine (Thanks for the patch).

In templates/template_body.tpl, had to change lines :

Line 55
-- <?php echo $parameters['email_description'] ?>
++ <?php echo nl2br($parameters['email_description']) ?>

Same on line 115, change


This makes PHP convert every new line to a br /> and avoid having a huge block of text.

anybody got a tuto on how to set up the mail attachments ? still can't get it working properly.



2013-01-07 05:54

reporter   ~0034721

I would like to use this plugin with 1.2.12. Has anybody done this already?



2013-01-11 06:34

reporter   ~0034771

I would like to use this plugin with 1.2.12. Has anybody done this already?



2013-02-07 00:59

reporter   ~0035066

i am new to mantis can any one help me how to install this plugin ( i have unzip and putted this plugin in my mantis plugin folder ) but after installing from admin >> manger >> Manage Plugins i am getting warring message " APPLICATION WARNING #2400: Event "EVENT_NOTIFY_EMAIL" has not yet been declared. " .... also please help me how to install PATCH ..etc



2013-02-07 07:06

reporter   ~0035072

any one pls help me



2013-02-07 07:50

reporter   ~0035076

Last edited: 2013-02-07 07:50

You need to apply the patch which you can find inside the zipfile.
That will amongst other things define the missing event.



2013-02-07 08:01

reporter   ~0035077

In download folder there is mantis-1.2.4-patch-for-htmlmail-0.1 but in that on first line there is path for

--- core/email_api.php Thu Jan 15 09:14:12 1970
+++ core/email_api.php Thu Jan 15 09:14:12 1970

and 2 more path

which i cant found in the HTMLMail0.1zip folder .. hence its means i have to replace that patch code in my orignal mantis core folder file ??..

please help me




2013-02-07 10:28

reporter   ~0035080

that is correct, that are changes on core scripts



2013-02-12 05:23

reporter   ~0035105

I have juste install the HTML MAIL to a 1.2.12 .
I have done the modification on the first note (0028444)
I also check/agragate the differents patch files ,and applies the need modifications on the sources code.

And it woks on a 1.2.12 .

I have done to much modification on my mantis to provide a whole patch sorry !



2013-03-14 04:15

reporter   ~0035863

Last edited: 2013-03-14 04:16

Please help anyone. I'm trying to apply the patch for MantisBT 1.2.11 on Debian:

#patch -p0 -i 01-1.2.7-patch-to-use-HTMLMail-0.1.patch

but get the following:

(Stripping trailing CRs from patch.)
patching file b/core/email_api.php
Hunk 1 FAILED at 447.
Hunk 2 FAILED at 483.
Hunk 3 FAILED at 515.
Hunk 4 FAILED at 781.
Hunk 5 FAILED at 817.
Hunk 6 FAILED at 930.
Hunk 7 FAILED at 1126.
Hunk 8 FAILED at 1189.
8 out of 8 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/core/email_api.php.rej
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch.)
patching file b/core/events_inc.php
Hunk 1 FAILED at 108.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/core/events_inc.php.rej
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch.)
patching file b/docbook/developers/en/event-reference-notify.sgml
Hunk 1 FAILED at 55.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/docbook/developers/en/event-reference-notify.sgml.rej
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch.)
patching file b/manage_user_update.php
Hunk 1 FAILED at 164.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/manage_user_update.php.rej

What am I doing wrong?



2013-03-14 05:54

reporter   ~0035866


the pathfile 01-1.2.7-patch-to-use-HTMLMail-0.1.patch works with MantisBT 1.2.7

for MantisBT 1.2.11 you have to apply the changes manually :-(



2013-05-03 11:54

reporter   ~0036782

Last edited: 2013-05-03 11:55


I have install this plugin and it works but i don't have the link to configure in the plugin manager.

Do you know why ?

My Mantis is 1.2.14



2013-05-15 10:10

reporter   ~0036864


There is a 'bug' in HTMLMail.php (line:121), '\templates\' must be replaced by '/templates/' if the server is a linux.



2014-03-13 07:39

reporter   ~0039663

Last edited: 2014-03-13 11:36

I was able to make it work fine with 1.2.17. Naturally, I had to manually apply all the patches. It was pretty much the same, except for a line in email_api.php that was slightly different in 1.2.17, in which email_store is actually assigned to a variable, but it is easy to spot.

As far as manager configuration page, I don't think there is one at all (I could be wrong).

Everything works, except one thing.

I have a custom status enum string as follows:

$g_status_enum_string = "10:new,20:feedback,30:acknowledged,40:confirmed,50:assigned,60:active,70:on hold,80:resolved,90:closed";

The email notification event gets triggered by all of the status changes but the 2 extra I added: 60:active, and 70:on hold. Mantis does send an email, but it is the old, plain text one. Any help on how to get mantis to trigger the same event that ends up calling the HTMLMail plugin?

Once I get that set up, this plugin will work 100% on my environment.



2014-03-13 11:10

reporter   ~0039664

Last edited: 2014-03-13 13:45

Just a followup (I hate when people ask questions, then solve it themselves and never come back to write their solution). I was able to solve my problem by creating the correct template files for my 2 custom statuses, in this case:


Thanks for this plugin! Adds such power to my old, clanky bug tracking system.



2015-03-12 07:28

reporter   ~0049190


Plugin was installed, patch was applied, but notification continue receive in plain text format.

Mantis ver. 1.2.15

Anybody know, what to do yet that notification receive in html format?



2015-03-12 08:32

reporter   ~0049191

Sorry, resolve problem.

in HTMLMail.php (line:121), '\templates\' must be replaced by '/templates/' if the server is a linux.



2015-03-12 11:09

reporter   ~0049193

I have one question! Anybody know how I can make language strings?!



2015-03-12 11:30

reporter   ~0049194

It's standard:
-in the plugin dir create subdir lang
-create language files (php syntax), for english "strings_english.txt", for german "strings_german.txt" ...
-dont forget about <?php , ?> enclosing in the language files
-define the strings inside the files:
$s_plugin_HTMLMail_the_issue_s_has_been_closed = "Nous vous informons que le cas %s a été clos.";
$s_plugin_HTMLMail_issue_details = "Détails du cas";
-use the string in the .tpl template files by calling "plugin_lang_get":
printf( plugin_lang_get( 'the_issue_s_has_been_closed' ), $parameters['email_bug'] );
plugin_lang_get( 'issue_details' )



2015-03-12 12:40

reporter   ~0049197

Thank you for explain.

Unfortunately, it did not work.

I trying to add one string from your example and get error.


Trying to find+check plugin language files...

Checking language files for plugin HTMLMail:
Testing English language file...
Testing language file 'strings_english.txt' (phase 1)...
ERROR: Language strings should be single-quoted (line 2)
Testing language file 'strings_english.txt' (phase 2)...
Retrieved 1 languages
Testing language file 'strings_russian.txt' (phase 1)...
ERROR: Whitespace in language file outside of PHP code block (line 1)
ERROR: Language strings should be single-quoted (line 2)
FAILED: Language file 'strings_russian.txt' failed at phase 1.
Testing language file 'strings_russian.txt' (phase 2)...
FAILED: Language file 'strings_russian.txt' failed at require_once (data output: '')



2015-03-12 12:56

reporter   ~0049198

Perhaps it makes sense to release a plug-in version 0.2? :)

Adding the language support and a color stain status as well as the system itself.



2015-03-12 13:14

reporter   ~0049202

yeah, but I thing the error messages are quite clear:
change the double quotes into single ones and remove everything from outside the the PHP code in the language files and it will work
good luck - fingers crossed



2015-07-09 04:19

reporter   ~0051040

My version is mantisbt-1.2.10, I applied the patch one by one and it work, the notification email come with jpg/png attachment.

But recently the email was sent out without attachment, I tried another smtp server, it's still no attachment with email, I turn the debug on but can not find out what's the problem.

2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail Issue = #123, Type = new, Msg = 'email_notification_title_for_action_bug_submitted', User = @U8, Email = ''.
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail Before attaching file_id to EmailData
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail Bug history defined
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail Bug [123] exists, selecting files to attach
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail After attach_files_to_emaildata called
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail HTML email body:\n <html>
<h3>The following issue has been SUBMITTED.</h3>
<a href="http://chinash2012/bugtrack/view.php?id=123"><span>http://chinash2012/bugtrack/view.php?id=123</span></a>

<tr><td>Reported By</td><td>cnkb</td></tr>
<tr><td>Assigned To</td><td>cnzhangji</td></tr>
<tr><td>Project</td><td>Sales Square</td></tr>
<tr><td>Issue ID</td><td>123</td></tr>
<tr><td>Severity </td><td>minor</td></tr>
<tr><td>Priority </td><td>normal</td></tr>
<tr><td>Status </td><td>assigned</td></tr>

        <td>Sub System</td>
        <td> Both</td>

<tr><td>Date Submitted</td><td>2015-07-09 16:13 CST</td></tr>
<tr><td>Last Modified</td><td>2015-07-09 16:13 CST</td></tr>

<tr><td>Reported By</td><td>cnkb</td></tr>


test email notification

        <th>Date modified</th>

        <td>2015-07-09 16:13</td>
        <td>New Issue</td>
        <td>2015-07-09 16:13</td>
        <td>new => assigned</td>
        <td>2015-07-09 16:13</td>
        <td>Assigned To</td>
        <td> => cnzhangji</td>
        <td>2015-07-09 16:13</td>
        <td>File Added: 96DPI.png</td>

2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail \n$params available for email template:\n Array
[email_bug] => 123
[email_bug_view_url] => http://chinash2012/bugtrack/view.php?id=123
[email_handler] => cnzhangji
[email_reporter] => cnkb
[email_project_id] => 1
[email_project] => Sales Square
[email_category] => Website
[email_date_submitted] => 1436429600
[email_last_modified] => 1436429600
[email_status] => 50
[email_severity] => 50
[email_priority] => 30
[email_reproducibility] => 10
[email_resolution] => 10
[email_fixed_in_version] =>
[email_summary] => test email notification
[email_description] => chinash2912.dc01.mycompany
[email_additional_information] =>
[email_steps_to_reproduce] =>
[set_category] => [Sales Square] Website
[custom_fields] => Array
[Sub System] => Array
[type] => 9
[value] => Both
[access_level_r] => 25


[bugnotes] => Array

[history] => Array
        [0] => Array
                [date] => 1436429600
                [userid] => 8
                [username] => cnkb
                [field] => 
                [type] => 1
                [old_value] => 
                [new_value] => 

        [1] => Array
                [date] => 1436429600
                [userid] => 8
                [username] => cnkb
                [field] => status
                [type] => 0
                [old_value] => 10
                [new_value] => 50

        [2] => Array
                [date] => 1436429600
                [userid] => 8
                [username] => cnkb
                [field] => handler_id
                [type] => 0
                [old_value] => 0
                [new_value] => 2

        [3] => Array
                [date] => 1436429600
                [userid] => 8
                [username] => cnkb
                [field] => 
                [type] => 9
                [old_value] => 96DPI.png
                [new_value] => 


[relations] => 
[header_optional_params] => 
[email_subject_bug_id_part] => [Sales Square 0000123] 
[email_status_formatted] => assigned
[email_severity_formatted] => minor
[email_priority_formatted] => normal
[email_reproducibility_formatted] => always
[email_date_submitted_formatted] => 2015-07-09 16:13 CST
[email_last_modified_formatted] => 2015-07-09 16:13 CST


2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail Issue = #123, Type = new, Msg = 'email_notification_title_for_action_bug_submitted', User = @U2, Email = ''.
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail Before attaching file_id to EmailData
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail Bug history defined
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail Bug [123] exists, selecting files to attach
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail After attach_files_to_emaildata called
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail HTML email body:\n <html>
<h3>The following issue has been SUBMITTED.</h3>
<a href="http://chinash2012/bugtrack/view.php?id=123"><span>http://chinash2012/bugtrack/view.php?id=123</span></a>

<tr><td>Reported By</td><td>cnkb</td></tr>
<tr><td>Assigned To</td><td>cnzhangji</td></tr>
<tr><td>Project</td><td>Sales Square</td></tr>
<tr><td>Issue ID</td><td>123</td></tr>
<tr><td>Severity </td><td>minor</td></tr>
<tr><td>Priority </td><td>normal</td></tr>
<tr><td>Status </td><td>assigned</td></tr>

        <td>Sub System</td>
        <td> Both</td>

<tr><td>Date Submitted</td><td>2015-07-09 16:13 CST</td></tr>
<tr><td>Last Modified</td><td>2015-07-09 16:13 CST</td></tr>

<tr><td>Reported By</td><td>cnkb</td></tr>


test email notification

        <th>Date modified</th>

        <td>2015-07-09 16:13</td>
        <td>New Issue</td>
        <td>2015-07-09 16:13</td>
        <td>new => assigned</td>
        <td>2015-07-09 16:13</td>
        <td>Assigned To</td>
        <td> => cnzhangji</td>
        <td>2015-07-09 16:13</td>
        <td>File Added: 96DPI.png</td>

2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail \n$params available for email template:\n Array
[email_bug] => 123
[email_bug_view_url] => http://chinash2012/bugtrack/view.php?id=123
[email_handler] => cnzhangji
[email_reporter] => cnkb
[email_project_id] => 1
[email_project] => Sales Square
[email_category] => Website
[email_date_submitted] => 1436429600
[email_last_modified] => 1436429600
[email_status] => 50
[email_severity] => 50
[email_priority] => 30
[email_reproducibility] => 10
[email_resolution] => 10
[email_fixed_in_version] =>
[email_summary] => test email notification
[email_description] => chinash2912.dc01.mycompany
[email_additional_information] =>
[email_steps_to_reproduce] =>
[set_category] => [Sales Square] Website
[custom_fields] => Array
[Sub System] => Array
[type] => 9
[value] => Both
[access_level_r] => 25


[bugnotes] => Array

[history] => Array
        [0] => Array
                [date] => 1436429600
                [userid] => 8
                [username] => cnkb
                [field] => 
                [type] => 1
                [old_value] => 
                [new_value] => 

        [1] => Array
                [date] => 1436429600
                [userid] => 8
                [username] => cnkb
                [field] => status
                [type] => 0
                [old_value] => 10
                [new_value] => 50

        [2] => Array
                [date] => 1436429600
                [userid] => 8
                [username] => cnkb
                [field] => handler_id
                [type] => 0
                [old_value] => 0
                [new_value] => 2

        [3] => Array
                [date] => 1436429600
                [userid] => 8
                [username] => cnkb
                [field] => 
                [type] => 9
                [old_value] => 96DPI.png
                [new_value] => 


[relations] => 
[header_optional_params] => 
[email_subject_bug_id_part] => [Sales Square 0000123] 
[email_status_formatted] => assigned
[email_severity_formatted] => minor
[email_priority_formatted] => normal
[email_reproducibility_formatted] => always
[email_date_submitted_formatted] => 2015-07-09 16:13 CST
[email_last_modified_formatted] => 2015-07-09 16:13 CST


2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail Issue = #123, Type = new, Msg = 'email_notification_title_for_action_bug_submitted', User = @U6, Email = ''.
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail Before attaching file_id to EmailData
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail Bug history defined
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail Bug [123] exists, selecting files to attach
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail After attach_files_to_emaildata called
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail HTML email body:\n <html>
<a href="http://chinash2012/bugtrack/view.php?id=123"><span>http://chinash2012/bugtrack/view.php?id=123</span></a>

<tr><td>项目</td><td>Sales Square</td></tr>
<tr><td>严重性 </td><td>小错误</td></tr>
<tr><td>优先级 </td><td>中</td></tr>
<tr><td>状态 </td><td>已分派</td></tr>

        <td>Sub System</td>
        <td> Both</td>

<tr><td>报告日期</td><td>2015-07-09 16:13 CST</td></tr>
<tr><td>最后更新</td><td>2015-07-09 16:13 CST</td></tr>



test email notification

        <th>Date modified</th>

        <td>2015-07-09 16:13</td>
        <td>2015-07-09 16:13</td>
        <td>新建 => 已分派</td>
        <td>2015-07-09 16:13</td>
        <td> => cnzhangji</td>
        <td>2015-07-09 16:13</td>
        <td>添加了以下文件:: 96DPI.png</td>

2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail \n$params available for email template:\n Array
[email_bug] => 123
[email_bug_view_url] => http://chinash2012/bugtrack/view.php?id=123
[email_handler] => cnzhangji
[email_reporter] => cnkb
[email_project_id] => 1
[email_project] => Sales Square
[email_category] => Website
[email_date_submitted] => 1436429600
[email_last_modified] => 1436429600
[email_status] => 50
[email_severity] => 50
[email_priority] => 30
[email_reproducibility] => 10
[email_resolution] => 10
[email_fixed_in_version] =>
[email_summary] => test email notification
[email_description] => chinash2912.dc01.mycompany
[email_additional_information] =>
[email_steps_to_reproduce] =>
[set_category] => [Sales Square] Website
[custom_fields] => Array
[Sub System] => Array
[type] => 9
[value] => Both
[access_level_r] => 25


[bugnotes] => Array

[history] => Array
        [0] => Array
                [date] => 1436429600
                [userid] => 8
                [username] => cnkb
                [field] => 
                [type] => 1
                [old_value] => 
                [new_value] => 

        [1] => Array
                [date] => 1436429600
                [userid] => 8
                [username] => cnkb
                [field] => status
                [type] => 0
                [old_value] => 10
                [new_value] => 50

        [2] => Array
                [date] => 1436429600
                [userid] => 8
                [username] => cnkb
                [field] => handler_id
                [type] => 0
                [old_value] => 0
                [new_value] => 2

        [3] => Array
                [date] => 1436429600
                [userid] => 8
                [username] => cnkb
                [field] => 
                [type] => 9
                [old_value] => 96DPI.png
                [new_value] => 


[relations] => 
[header_optional_params] => 
[email_subject_bug_id_part] => [Sales Square 0000123] 
[email_status_formatted] => 已分派
[email_severity_formatted] => 小错误
[email_priority_formatted] => 中
[email_reproducibility_formatted] => 总是
[email_date_submitted_formatted] => 2015-07-09 16:13 CST
[email_last_modified_formatted] => 2015-07-09 16:13 CST


2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail Issue = #123, Type = new, Msg = 'email_notification_title_for_action_bug_submitted', User = @U9, Email = ''.
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail Before attaching file_id to EmailData
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail Bug history defined
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail Bug [123] exists, selecting files to attach
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail After attach_files_to_emaildata called
2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail HTML email body:\n <html>
<a href="http://chinash2012/bugtrack/view.php?id=123"><span>http://chinash2012/bugtrack/view.php?id=123</span></a>

<tr><td>项目</td><td>Sales Square</td></tr>
<tr><td>严重性 </td><td>小错误</td></tr>
<tr><td>优先级 </td><td>中</td></tr>
<tr><td>状态 </td><td>已分派</td></tr>

        <td>Sub System</td>
        <td> Both</td>

<tr><td>报告日期</td><td>2015-07-09 16:13 CST</td></tr>
<tr><td>最后更新</td><td>2015-07-09 16:13 CST</td></tr>



test email notification

        <th>Date modified</th>

        <td>2015-07-09 16:13</td>
        <td>2015-07-09 16:13</td>
        <td>新建 => 已分派</td>
        <td>2015-07-09 16:13</td>
        <td> => cnzhangji</td>
        <td>2015-07-09 16:13</td>
        <td>添加了以下文件:: 96DPI.png</td>

2015-07-09 16:13 CST mail \n$params available for email template:\n Array
[email_bug] => 123
[email_bug_view_url] => http://chinash2012/bugtrack/view.php?id=123
[email_handler] => cnzhangji
[email_reporter] => cnkb
[email_project_id] => 1
[email_project] => Sales Square
[email_category] => Website
[email_date_submitted] => 1436429600
[email_last_modified] => 1436429600
[email_status] => 50
[email_severity] => 50
[email_priority] => 30
[email_reproducibility] => 10
[email_resolution] => 10
[email_fixed_in_version] =>
[email_summary] => test email notification
[email_description] => chinash2912.dc01.mycompany
[email_additional_information] =>
[email_steps_to_reproduce] =>
[set_category] => [Sales Square] Website
[custom_fields] => Array
[Sub System] => Array
[type] => 9
[value] => Both
[access_level_r] => 25


[bugnotes] => Array

[history] => Array
        [0] => Array
                [date] => 1436429600
                [userid] => 8
                [username] => cnkb
                [field] => 
                [type] => 1
                [old_value] => 
                [new_value] => 

        [1] => Array
                [date] => 1436429600
                [userid] => 8
                [username] => cnkb
                [field] => status
                [type] => 0
                [old_value] => 10
                [new_value] => 50

        [2] => Array
                [date] => 1436429600
                [userid] => 8
                [username] => cnkb
                [field] => handler_id
                [type] => 0
                [old_value] => 0
                [new_value] => 2

        [3] => Array
                [date] => 1436429600
                [userid] => 8
                [username] => cnkb
                [field] => 
                [type] => 9
                [old_value] => 96DPI.png
                [new_value] => 


[relations] => 
[header_optional_params] => 
[email_subject_bug_id_part] => [Sales Square 0000123] 
[email_status_formatted] => 已分派
[email_severity_formatted] => 小错误
[email_priority_formatted] => 中
[email_reproducibility_formatted] => 总是
[email_date_submitted_formatted] => 2015-07-09 16:13 CST
[email_last_modified_formatted] => 2015-07-09 16:13 CST




2016-02-09 13:36

reporter   ~0052496

Please write about this plugin somewhere on main site.



2016-02-10 01:44

reporter   ~0052497

update for 1.3.0 rc1

HTMLMail_1.3.0.rc1.rar (20,552 bytes)


2016-02-10 01:48

reporter   ~0052498

update for 1.3.0 rc1 with overwrite files.



2016-02-10 01:54

reporter   ~0052499

i mean for 1.3.0-rc.2-dev master-9d8d010



2016-02-10 02:22

developer   ~0052501

Last edited: 2016-02-10 03:01

Please write about this plugin somewhere on main site.

It's no good idea to tell users to install a 3rd party plugin which is not maintained.
Furthermore users are told to change original source of Mantis.
Such kind of changes can introduce side effects and are lost when upgrading.
Most of our users are not able to deal with such kind of problems, thus the small Mantis core team would waste some of their limited time.



2016-02-10 02:54

reporter   ~0052502

what is good or not?
is bulk of text good?
is nice html good?

as for me : bulk text is not good, nice html is good.
if so, i will go for html way and start to write about this, start to search this:)
i understand u dont want comments about installing and run this plugin from customers. ok.
but for developers as customers its ok to apply this plugin on mantis.

i check this plugin and it works good for mantis 1.3.0 rc2.
but it requiers new code for core part of mantis.



2016-03-26 09:02

reporter   ~0052869

Please tell me how to make attachments were sent only when it is added, but not in all further email?



2016-04-22 04:07

reporter   ~0053004

hi, AlexeiK

I upgrade my installation from 1.2.8 to 1.3.1 the implemented with HTMLMail_1.3.0.rc1_plus_overwrite.rar, the email notification work but the attachment (jpg) did not attached with the email.

I also tried implemented it on a new installation of 1.3.0rc1, still no attachment with email.

want to try 1.3.0rc2 but can not find where to download it.



2016-06-24 21:14

reporter   ~0053446

I applied this to 1.3.0 rc2. The emails do come out as HTML, nicely formatted. The only thing not working is the manage_user_update.php. The minute I add the line with email_notification_user_update, the system fails. AlexeiK- how did you get to work? Did I miss a step?



2017-01-10 07:16

reporter   ~0055018

no way to help to you.
dump error or something.

i will move to mantis 2 and check how it goes there.



2017-02-07 06:24

reporter   ~0055526

Hello, AlexeiK
I tried to use your plug-in for MantisBT version 2.1.0
In HTMLMail.php file replacement conditions
'MantisCore' => '1.3' to 'MantisCore' => '2.0'
Edit all 3 file from instructions by .patch files.
But when I replace email_api.php and events_inc.php files, I get an error when adding a comment.
A necessary field "Body" was empty. Please recheck your inputs.
But the comment has successfully added.
Perhaps there are other ways to cause this error. I have not yet checked.

You managed to adapt it to new versions 2.x? (43,752 bytes)


2017-02-07 06:49

reporter   ~0055529

DjBend, i didnt move to mantis 2.0.
it has awful design that breaks eyes.
So, i cant help u to make a mod for that files (email_api, events_inc).



2017-02-21 15:34

reporter   ~0055732

Hi, AlexeiK
You will be launching a release for mantis 2.x?
I was using this plugin with mantis 1.2.19 and no problems. I have to move to mantis 2.x now and there is no way to make it work.
Any news on this?



2017-04-03 06:21

reporter   ~0056343


@AlexeiK, @gdicesare, @or_anyone :)
Did you implemented 'htmlmail plugin' in Mantis 2.x successfully? If yes, could you paste a snippet of modified code (especially email_api and events_inc)? I also tried change some piece of code, but unfortunately without a positive effect.

Thank you for any help.




2017-04-03 11:27

reporter   ~0056352

Hi @mjaq
I try to edit the email_api and no succed.
I didn't dedicate a lot of time on it, because what we need is to not send de notes in a mail.
I solve that by commenting some core lines in email_api where the bugnote is formatted.
Hope I can be of any help.




2017-04-04 07:05

reporter   ~0056369


We want to use this plugin to exchange data between second bugnote system. That's why we must sending e-mail with attachments.

You are our last hope. ;)




2017-04-05 02:27

reporter   ~0056386

i cant let myself use mantis 2.0 - why? it has ugly interface and not usable for me anymore.
my eyes only wants with 1.x branch

so im not interested .
only if mantis 2.0 will have 1.3 UI i will adapt this plugin.



2017-04-05 05:42

developer   ~0056390

@ users who want to use this plugin, read 0012830:0052501 before installation.



2017-04-11 10:27

reporter   ~0056494

I'm basically in agreement with you.
That said, could you tell us what is the procedure for requesting evolutions in the original core.
This is to be able to develop plugins for embellish your product of which I am a fan.
It seems that we need an event that can be hook with the transmission of the structure allowing to identify the origin of the request of the mail (message_id in email_api.php) and the informations already established during the constitution of the native mail (now email_store in email_api.php).

Best regards.



2017-04-11 11:15

reporter   ~0056495

We also need to set $email-> IsHTML to true on a condition of a data accessible by the callback of the plugin.
Thank you in advance for your help, this for the encouragement of the community of fervent defenders of MantisBt.



2017-04-17 08:03

developer   ~0056599

could you tell us what is the procedure for requesting evolutions in the original core.



2017-04-19 10:51

reporter   ~0056621

Thanks a lot.
I will have to make an effort to follow your process. But, this is legitimate for inter-acting with the main trunk.
I will work to acquire your prerequisites and submit you in the best conditions my requests for evolutions.
This will take me a little bit time, just like you this activity is not my main job.

May be some goodwills could also participate in the evolution request. Thus the plugin could be develop and install without recurring patch.

I'm not familiar with:
Github Pull Requests
Git repository
Git Formatted patches

Sorry for my english (DIY with google). I'm French with only the necessary bases to evolve in the computing developments.



2017-12-06 06:04

reporter   ~0058323

Hi @gdicesare,

You kinda solve the issue by commenting core lines in email_api. Do you remeber wich lines it was?


Nebie Herrmann

Nebie Herrmann

2018-04-16 08:37

reporter   ~0059573

Tanks to DjBend ([...]In HTMLMail.php file replacement conditions
'MantisCore' => '1.3' to 'MantisCore' => '2.0'[...]
Here is the patch for 2.6.0.

htmlmail-mantisbt-2.6.patch (5,737 bytes)   
--- old/core/email_api.php	2018-04-16 13:01:22.100461100 +0200
+++ new/core/email_api.php	2018-04-16 14:23:17.076137200 +0200
@@ -523,7 +523,9 @@ function email_signup( $p_user_id, $p_co
 	# Send signup email regardless of mail notification pref
 	# or else users won't be able to sign up
 	if( !is_blank( $t_email ) ) {
-		email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message, null, true );
+		$t_params = array('admin_name' => $p_admin_name, 'user_id' => $p_user_id, 'confirm_hash' => $p_confirm_hash);
+		email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message, 'email_notification_signup', $t_params, null, true );
 		log_event( LOG_EMAIL, 'Signup Email = %s, Hash = %s, User = @U%d', $t_email, $p_confirm_hash, $p_user_id );
@@ -562,7 +564,8 @@ function email_send_confirm_hash_url( $p
 	# Send password reset regardless of mail notification preferences
 	# or else users won't be able to receive their reset passwords
 	if( !is_blank( $t_email ) ) {
-		email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message, null, true );
+		$t_params = array('user_id' => $p_user_id, 'confirm_hash' => $p_confirm_hash);
+		email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message, 'email_notification_forgotten_password', $t_params, null, true );
 		log_event( LOG_EMAIL, 'Password reset for user @U%d sent to %s', $p_user_id, $t_email );
 	} else {
 		log_event( LOG_EMAIL, 'Password reset for user @U%d not sent, email is empty', $p_user_id );
@@ -595,7 +598,8 @@ function email_notify_new_account( $p_us
 		$t_message = lang_get( 'new_account_signup_msg' ) . "\n\n" . lang_get( 'new_account_username' ) . ' ' . $p_username . "\n" . lang_get( 'new_account_email' ) . ' ' . $p_email . "\n" . lang_get( 'new_account_IP' ) . ' ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . config_get_global( 'path' ) . "\n\n" . lang_get( 'new_account_do_not_reply' );
 		if( !is_blank( $t_recipient_email ) ) {
-			email_store( $t_recipient_email, $t_subject, $t_message );
+			email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message, 'email_notification_new_account' );
 			log_event( LOG_EMAIL, 'New Account Notify for email = \'%s\'', $t_recipient_email );
@@ -1134,7 +1138,8 @@ function email_bug_deleted( $p_bug_id )
  *                             even when using cronjob
  * @return integer|null
-function email_store( $p_recipient, $p_subject, $p_message, array $p_headers = null, $p_force = false ) {
+function email_store(  $p_recipient, $p_subject, $p_message, $p_message_id = null, $p_params = null, array $p_headers = null, $p_force = false ) {
 	global $g_email_shutdown_processing;
 	$t_recipient = trim( $p_recipient );
@@ -1169,6 +1174,8 @@ function email_store( $p_recipient, $p_s
 	$t_email_data->metadata['hostname'] = $t_hostname;
+	$t_email_data = event_signal('EVENT_NOTIFY_EMAIL', $t_email_data, array( 'message_id' => $p_message_id, 'params' => $p_params,));
 	$t_email_id = email_queue_add( $t_email_data );
 	# Set the email processing flag for the shutdown function
@@ -1300,7 +1307,7 @@ function email_send( EmailData $p_email_
-	$t_mail->IsHTML( false );              # set email format to plain text
+	$t_mail->IsHTML( isset( $t_email_data->metadata['Content-Type'] ) && stripos( $t_email_data->metadata['Content-Type'], "text/html" ) !== false );             
 	$t_mail->WordWrap = 80;              # set word wrap to 80 characters
 	$t_mail->CharSet = $t_email_data->metadata['charset'];
 	$t_mail->Host = config_get( 'smtp_host' );
@@ -1482,7 +1489,8 @@ function email_bug_reminder( $p_recipien
 		$t_header = "\n" . lang_get( 'on_date' ) . ' ' . $t_date . ', ' . $t_sender . ' ' . $t_sender_email . lang_get( 'sent_you_this_reminder_about' ) . ': ' . "\n\n";
 		$t_contents = $t_header . string_get_bug_view_url_with_fqdn( $p_bug_id ) . " \n\n" . $p_message;
-		$t_id = email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_contents );
+		$t_params = array( 'message' => $p_message, 'bug_id' => $p_bug_id, 'recipient' => $t_recipient, 'sender' => $t_sender, 'sender_email' => $t_sender_email );
+		$t_id = email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_contents,'email_bug_reminder', $t_params );
 		if( $t_id !== null ) {
 			$t_result[] = $t_recipient;
@@ -1615,9 +1623,8 @@ function email_bug_info_to_one_user( arr
 	} else {
 		$t_mail_headers['In-Reply-To'] = $t_message_md5;
 	# send mail
-	email_store( $t_user_email, $t_subject, $t_message, $t_mail_headers );
+	email_store( $t_user_email, $t_subject, $t_message, $p_message_id, array_merge($p_visible_bug_data, array('header_optional_params' => $p_header_optional_params)), $t_mail_headers);
--- old/core/events_inc.php	2018-04-16 13:01:18.674086000 +0200
+++ new/core/events_inc.php	2018-04-16 14:20:31.752531500 +0200
@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ event_declare_many( array(
 	# Email notification events
 	# Wiki events
--- old/manage_user_update.php	2018-04-16 13:01:09.928648900 +0200
+++ new/manage_user_update.php	2018-04-16 14:16:15.655752900 +0200
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ if( $f_send_email_notification ) {
 		$t_updated_msg = lang_get( 'email_user_updated_msg' );
 		$t_message = $t_updated_msg . "\n\n" . config_get( 'path' ) . 'account_page.php' . "\n\n" . $t_changes;
-		if( null === email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message ) ) {
+		if( null === email_store( $f_email, $t_subject, $t_message, 'email_notification_user_update', array( 'changes' => $t_changes ) )  ) {
 			log_event( LOG_EMAIL, 'Notification was NOT sent to ' . $f_username );
 		} else {
 			log_event( LOG_EMAIL, 'Account update notification sent to ' . $f_username . ' (' . $t_email . ')' );
htmlmail-mantisbt-2.6.patch (5,737 bytes)   


2018-04-16 12:20

reporter   ~0059574

Hi @rkarmann,
Sorry for the late response, but I don't remember the exact lines right now.
But, I can see that there's a new patch to try.
Thanks a lot @Nebie Herrmann and @DjBend.




2018-07-11 07:30

reporter   ~0060241

It is a remarkable work here, but unfortunately need new patches/updates for Mantis 2.15 and upper.
Could you try to fix it please ?

Nebie Herrmann

Nebie Herrmann

2018-07-16 18:07

reporter   ~0060272

here is a patch for Mantis 2.15.
If something does not work, just ask.

htmlmail-mantisbt-2.15.patch (5,592 bytes)   
--- old/core/email_api.php	2018-07-16 23:58:00.598800300 +0200
+++ new/core/email_api.php	2018-07-16 23:56:47.670800300 +0200
@@ -530,7 +530,8 @@
 	# Send signup email regardless of mail notification pref
 	# or else users won't be able to sign up
 	if( !is_blank( $t_email ) ) {
-		email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message, null, true );
+		$t_params = array('admin_name' => $p_admin_name, 'user_id' => $p_user_id, 'confirm_hash' => $p_confirm_hash);
+		email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message, 'email_notification_signup', $t_params, null, true );
 		log_event( LOG_EMAIL, 'Signup Email = %s, Hash = %s, User = @U%d', $t_email, $p_confirm_hash, $p_user_id );
@@ -569,7 +570,8 @@
 	# Send password reset regardless of mail notification preferences
 	# or else users won't be able to receive their reset passwords
 	if( !is_blank( $t_email ) ) {
-		email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message, null, true );
+		$t_params = array('user_id' => $p_user_id, 'confirm_hash' => $p_confirm_hash);
+		email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message, 'email_notification_forgotten_password', $t_params, null, true );
 		log_event( LOG_EMAIL, 'Password reset for user @U%d sent to %s', $p_user_id, $t_email );
 	} else {
 		log_event( LOG_EMAIL, 'Password reset for user @U%d not sent, email is empty', $p_user_id );
@@ -602,7 +604,7 @@
 		$t_message = lang_get( 'new_account_signup_msg' ) . "\n\n" . lang_get( 'new_account_username' ) . ' ' . $p_username . "\n" . lang_get( 'new_account_email' ) . ' ' . $p_email . "\n" . lang_get( 'new_account_IP' ) . ' ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . config_get_global( 'path' ) . "\n\n" . lang_get( 'new_account_do_not_reply' );
 		if( !is_blank( $t_recipient_email ) ) {
-			email_store( $t_recipient_email, $t_subject, $t_message );
+			email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message, 'email_notification_new_account' );
 			log_event( LOG_EMAIL, 'New Account Notify for email = \'%s\'', $t_recipient_email );
@@ -1141,7 +1143,7 @@
  *                             even when using cronjob
  * @return integer|null
-function email_store( $p_recipient, $p_subject, $p_message, array $p_headers = null, $p_force = false ) {
+function email_store(  $p_recipient, $p_subject, $p_message, $p_message_id = null, $p_params = null, array $p_headers = null, $p_force = false ) {
 	global $g_email_shutdown_processing;
 	$t_recipient = trim( $p_recipient );
@@ -1176,6 +1178,8 @@
 	$t_email_data->metadata['hostname'] = $t_hostname;
+	$t_email_data = event_signal('EVENT_NOTIFY_EMAIL', $t_email_data, array( 'message_id' => $p_message_id, 'params' => $p_params,));
 	$t_email_id = email_queue_add( $t_email_data );
 	# Set the email processing flag for the shutdown function
@@ -1322,7 +1326,7 @@
 		$t_mail->DKIM_identity = config_get( 'email_dkim_identity' );
-	$t_mail->IsHTML( false );              # set email format to plain text
+	$t_mail->IsHTML( isset( $t_email_data->metadata['Content-Type'] ) && stripos( $t_email_data->metadata['Content-Type'], "text/html" ) !== false );
 	$t_mail->WordWrap = 80;              # set word wrap to 80 characters
 	$t_mail->CharSet = $t_email_data->metadata['charset'];
 	$t_mail->Host = config_get( 'smtp_host' );
@@ -1504,7 +1508,8 @@
 		$t_header = "\n" . lang_get( 'on_date' ) . ' ' . $t_date . ', ' . $t_sender . ' ' . $t_sender_email . lang_get( 'sent_you_this_reminder_about' ) . ': ' . "\n\n";
 		$t_contents = $t_header . string_get_bug_view_url_with_fqdn( $p_bug_id ) . " \n\n" . $p_message;
-		$t_id = email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_contents );
+		$t_params = array( 'message' => $p_message, 'bug_id' => $p_bug_id, 'recipient' => $t_recipient, 'sender' => $t_sender, 'sender_email' => $t_sender_email );
+		$t_id = email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_contents,'email_bug_reminder', $t_params );
 		if( $t_id !== null ) {
 			$t_result[] = $t_recipient;
@@ -1639,7 +1644,7 @@
 	# send mail
-	email_store( $t_user_email, $t_subject, $t_message, $t_mail_headers );
+	email_store( $t_user_email, $t_subject, $t_message, $p_message_id, array_merge($p_visible_bug_data, array('header_optional_params' => $p_header_optional_params)), $t_mail_headers);
diff -ruN old/core/events_inc.php new/core/events_inc.php
--- old/core/events_inc.php	2018-07-16 23:57:54.820800300 +0200
+++ new/core/events_inc.php	2018-07-16 23:56:54.965800300 +0200
@@ -139,7 +139,8 @@
 	# Email notification events
 	# Wiki events
diff -ruN old/manage_user_update.php new/manage_user_update.php
--- old/manage_user_update.php	2018-07-16 23:53:57.906800300 +0200
+++ new/manage_user_update.php	2018-07-16 23:55:26.088800300 +0200
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
 		$t_updated_msg = lang_get( 'email_user_updated_msg' );
 		$t_message = $t_updated_msg . "\n\n" . config_get_global( 'path' ) . 'account_page.php' . "\n\n" . $t_changes;
-		if( null === email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message ) ) {
+		if( null === email_store( $f_email, $t_subject, $t_message, 'email_notification_user_update', array( 'changes' => $t_changes ) )  ) {
 			log_event( LOG_EMAIL, 'Notification was NOT sent to ' . $f_username );
 		} else {
 			log_event( LOG_EMAIL, 'Account update notification sent to ' . $f_username . ' (' . $t_email . ')' );
htmlmail-mantisbt-2.15.patch (5,592 bytes)   


2018-10-30 08:15

reporter   ~0060878

I use Mantis 2.18.0. The HTMLmail plug-in only works for some actions. Like creating a problem, closing. But it is not used when adding a note about the problem or changing the status. I used a patch for mantis 2.15. Could you give me an advice please?
Thank you Michal



2018-11-02 06:47

reporter   ~0060900

Hi is anyone able to provide a patch to get bugnote emails working on 2.18.0?

I have attempted to modify the code but I can't seem to get them to work correctly, all the other emails i need work perfectly.

Looking for some help here please :)



2018-11-02 06:47

reporter   ~0060901

Hi is anyone able to provide a patch to get bugnote emails working on 2.18.0?

I have attempted to modify the code but I can't seem to get them to work correctly, all the other emails i need work perfectly.

Looking for some help here please :)



2018-11-02 06:48

reporter   ~0060902

Last edited: 2018-11-03 14:26

Hi is anyone able to provide a patch to get bugnote emails working on 2.18.0?
I have attempted to modify the code but I can't seem to get them to work correctly, all the other emails i need work perfectly.
Looking for some help here please :)

sorry for the spam not sure what happened there??? - please delete the last two comments!

Nebie Herrmann

Nebie Herrmann

2018-11-28 15:13

reporter   ~0061019


here is a patch for Mantis 2.18.

Have a nice day :)



2019-01-31 12:05

reporter   ~0061352

Last edited: 2019-02-14 18:27



2019-02-17 23:01

reporter   ~0061516

Hi, Nibie
when i used HtmlPlug , it feedback:

'Argument 1 passed to email_queue_add() must be an instance of EmailData, null given, called in D:\wamp64\www\mantisbt\core\email_api.php on line 1183 and defined' in 'D:\wamp64\www\mantisbt\core\email_queue_api.php' line 92

Please help. my mantisbt ver is 2.18.0

@Nebie Herrmann



2019-06-27 11:00

reporter   ~0062325

I'm trying to use MantiBT HTMLPlugin 2.18.0. with the version 2.21.1of mantisbt, but I am getting the next warring message when click the button install plugin "APPLICATION WARNING #2400: Event "EVENT_NOTIFY_EMAIL" has not yet been declared. (in 'C:\xampp\htdocs\mantisbt-2.21.1\core\event_api.php' line 85)".

NOTE: All the files patch were added to the project as well as the plugin files to the folder plugins.

Anyone could know what it's the reason?, thanks



2019-06-27 14:40

reporter   ~0062328

This might happen because the plugin requires an event named EVENT_NOTIFY_EMAIL which is not declared in MantisBT core files or no longer used in 2.18... Unfortunately this plugin is no longer maintained by the author, but patched by the community
The developer guide explain how to declare EVENT in plugins, maybe that's a start...



2022-05-25 11:13

reporter   ~0066638

did someone fixed the plugin? i've got the same issue as here :


'Argument 1 passed to email_queue_add() must be an instance of EmailData, null given, called in D:\wamp64\www\mantisbt\core\email_api.php on line 1183 and defined' in 'D:\wamp64\www\mantisbt\core\email_queue_api.php' line 92

chrome_ObIAnacjMN.png (86,706 bytes)   
chrome_ObIAnacjMN.png (86,706 bytes)   


2022-05-25 16:39

reporter   ~0066642

so much time gone... and this topic raised up :))
so how it goes?



2023-10-17 06:38

reporter   ~0068239

Hello. Is there any chance for a plugin for the latest MANTIS version 2.x?



2024-03-12 14:33

reporter   ~0068648

Would also like to know if this will be updated for 2x



2024-03-14 12:44

reporter   ~0068659

Last edited: 2024-03-17 11:40

I had a look @ this plugin and it depends on a huge number of changes in email_api.php which are not documented anywhere ( at least I could not find it).
There is this option availlable ( ) which is not a real plugin but does provide the options for HTML mails.



2024-03-15 05:14

reporter   ~0068662

In order to address this in vanilla Mantisbt , i have created a PR:



2025-01-17 11:38

reporter   ~0069701

Last edited: 2025-01-19 10:38

I have prepared PR2079 for adding this functionality( ) in vanilla Mantis.



2025-01-18 04:32

reporter   ~0069711

nice to see)
patch, not plugin

errors in application on this forum

#1406: Data too long for column 'body' at row 1, запрос: INSERT INTO mantis_email_table
( email, subject, body, submitted, metadata)



2025-01-18 16:32

developer   ~0069715

@AlexeiK I deleted your extra posts, which looked like duplicates and kept only the most recent one. Not sure if they were multiple submits or attempts to add more info to your original note, in which case please note that there is an Edit button ;-)



2025-01-18 16:37

developer   ~0069717

Last edited: 2025-01-18 16:41

Actually, I just realised that this issue is too big, and triggers a database error as MantisBT tries to insert a notification in the email table after a bugnote is added: Data too long for column 'body'

Follow-up in 0035247



2025-01-19 05:02

reporter   ~0069723

Please report issues/remarks/suggestions to Github ( )
It looks that the reported issue is not related to this functionality but I will provide an optional limit for notes to be added to the mail.



2025-01-19 05:16

developer   ~0069724

@cas concerning

but I will provide an optional limit for notes to be added to the mail

There is already $g_default_email_bugnote_limit which is set t 0 = unlimited.
Users can override it in their account settings.



2025-01-19 08:49

reporter   ~0069725

Thanks @Atrol, used that setting



2025-01-20 11:52

developer   ~0069729

It looks that the reported issue is not related to this functionality

Indeed, depending on how we look at it, it's either something to improve in MantisBT code so it does not trigger an error, and/or fix the bugtracker's database schema - in any case not related to the original HTMLmail or your mailtemplate plugin.