MantisBT 2.24.1 Released

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MantisBT 2.24.1

Note that MantisBT 2.23.0 release included a schema change. If upgrading from version older than 2.23.0, do not forget to upgrade the database as documented in the Admin Guide.

Maintenance and security fixes release for 2.24.x series.

  • 0026893: [security] APIs expose private attachments to users who has access to issue but not private notes (vboctor)
  • 0026781: [bugtracker] changed project order / sequence (dregad)
  • 0026805: [attachments] Attachments box is invisible when notes are private by default (vboctor)
  • 0026835: [attachments] Database Server error while adding file to project (atrol)
  • 0026838: [bugtracker] OS build field not filled in viewing mode (atrol)
  • 0026880: [administration] Impossible to reset user’s password (dregad)
  • 0026881: [documentation] Documentation for REST API /users/{id}/reset missing (vboctor)
  • 0026885: [api rest] Resetting password for protected user via REST API should fail (dregad)
  • 0026921: [bugtracker] View Issue page does not show “Product Build” (wrong key names in code) (atrol)

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Go ahead and download the release from our website.