This is the second beta release for the MantisBT v1.3. There has been a bunch of fixes (see changelog) since beta-1. Following is a list of changes that are included in v1.3 compared to 1.2.x stable release for the benefit of users who haven’t tried beta-1.
You can download the beta release via mantisbt website or try out a demo via MantisHub hosted service. Please report any issues you may find via our official bugtracker.
New Features and Improvements
- Timeline feature
- Memo custom fields
- jQuery and jQueryUI are now included in core
- PHP version compatibility up to PHP 5.5.* (PHP 5.6.* will be tested for future releases).
- Better generated HTML, relying on CSS instead of inline styles and reducing use of tables for layout
- HTML5 doctype
- Various performance improvements
- Out-of-the-box support for Oracle (oci8)
- Greatly enhanced support for PostgreSQL and MSSQL
- Update dependencies (phpmailer, adodb, disposable email checker, etc).
- Improved installation and admin utilities (system check, tools)
- Mechanism to prevent concurrent updates to the same issue
- Detailed filters hidden by default
- Improved XmlImportExport core plugin
- Bigger e-mail and realname fields (now 255 chars)
- Improved documentation, migrated to Publican
- 200+ issues
- SOAP API better integrated with core (no more distinct config)
- All custom config files moved to dedicated folder to facilitate maintenance and upgrade process (under config folder)
- Use of Content Security Policy
- Removal of all inline JavaScript (use external scripts)
- New captcha with audio-output support.
Added the following events (see manual for details):
Deprecated Features
- Custom Functions in favor of Plugins
- News feature – already deprecated
- Time tracking – already deprecated
- Project Docs – already deprecated
- Sponsorships – already deprecated
- DB2 support
Removed Features
- Built-in source code integration support
- FTP for attachments
- Remove nusoap in favor of native php soap extension
- Extended project browser
Mantis Team
Is it possible to get a demo or preview?
Desperately waiting for an official release of MantisBT 1.3.0 for upgrading from existing 1.2.19.
Can you please let us know, when will this stable & production build will be available for use?
We’ll release when we’re ready. Sorry I can’t be more specific than this, but we’re a small team and we do this in our spare time, which makes it impossible to make hard commitments. We are doing our best to go live with 1.3 as soon as possible.