MantisBT 1.2.0 Released

This release marks the first official release in the 1.2.x series of MantisBT.

1.2.0 is a major feature release for MantisBT, and includes many bugfixes and enhancements over the 1.1.x stable branch. All users of 1.1.x are highly encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible.

A full changelog for the 1.2.x series can be found on the official site. [1]

There are many new features added to 1.2.0, including:

  • Converted the MantisBT Manual to Docbook format, and added a new Developer’s Guide manual, both of which are compiled and included in every release
  • Implemented a plugin system with many plugins already released [2]
  • Global categories available to all projects, as well as project
  • categories inheriting from parent projects to child projects; both are optional
  • Tracked change history for textarea fields (Description, etc) and bug notes
  • Customizable sets of columns for View Issues page and export formats
  • Combined simple and advanced views into a single, configurable view that allows selecting exactly what fields to show or hide
  • Improved roadmap and changelog pages, including version release dates, and permalinks to individual versions
  • Marking versions as obsolete to hide them from the roadmap and changelog
  • More configuration options for rebranding MantisBT installations
  • Improved support for PostgreSQL databases
  • Improved support for UTF-8 localizations and content
  • Implemented custom search providers for Firefox and Internet Explorer
  • Implemented localized timestamps using according to user-preferred timezones

There have also been many improvements to the codebase beyond adding features:

  • Migrated to parameterised database queries throughout the codebase for both performance and security improvements
  • Added PHPDoc compatible documentation to all internal API’s
  • Removed many hardcoded references to access levels and other enumerations, for improved customizability.
  • Migrated away from DATETIME fields to integer timestamps for timezone usage
  • All 3rd party code is now contained within the library/ path, including documentation on library versions and any patches applied
  • Initial support for MySQL 6 and PHP 5.3

[1] The changelog is split between multiple releases: 1.2.0a1, 1.2.0a2, 1.2.0a3, 1.2.0rc1, 1.2.0rc2 and 1.2.0.

[2] MantisForge is now the preferred code collaboration site for MantisBT, including free hosting of MantisBT-related Git repositories for development of contributions to MantisBT itself or community plugins.

18 thoughts on “MantisBT 1.2.0 Released”

  1. Hum, okay.

    I’ve had several issues mit MS SQL (simply NOT installable in a clean environment) yesterday and now the final has been released.

    I’m wondering if MS SQL is working now…

    I’ll give it a try.

    Thank you guys.

  2. hello,

    when i tried to update my existing mantis today from 1.1.8 to 1.2.0 i got the following error when trieing to upgrade the database:

    CREATE TABLE mantis_config_table ( config_id VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, project_id INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, user_id INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, access_reqd INT DEFAULT 0, type INT DEFAULT 90, value TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (config_id, project_id, user_id) )
    There is already an object named ‘mantis_config_table’ in the database.

    when printing the sql queries this is shown:
    Database Creation Suppressed, SQL Queries follow
    CREATE TABLE mantis_config_table (
    config_id VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
    project_id INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
    user_id INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
    access_reqd INT DEFAULT 0,
    type INT DEFAULT 90,
    value TEXT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (config_id, project_id, user_id)

    Of corse this fails as there are already tables with this name in the database.
    shouldnt this be a IF NOT EXISTS… statement?


  3. lol, this you call stable or final?

    MS SQL is still not working, if you don’t give a shit of MS SQL (maybe others?), then don’t put it onto your front page!

    The error:


    Database query failed. Error received from database was #206: Operandentypkollision: int ist inkompatibel mit text for the query: INSERT INTO mantis_config_table
    ( value, type, access_reqd, config_id, project_id, user_id )
    (?, ?, ?, ?, ?,? ).

    Please use the “Back” button in your web browser to return to the previous page. There you can correct whatever problems were identified in this error or select another action. You can also click an option from the menu bar to go directly to a new section.

  4. Congrats for the stable release.
    I’ve been using mantis for a some time now and it is great to see that the development is moving forward.

    One problem though: I cannot find any instructions on how to upgrade from 1.1.8 to 1.2.

  5. Awesome!

    “Combined simple and advanced views into a single, configurable view that allows selecting exactly what fields to show or hide” – does this mean it is possible to configure which fields to display on the bug report page as well? How can this be changed (if at all)?

  6. is it possible to upgrade from 1.1.7 to 1.2.0 keeping all the projects and issues. if yes, what could be best way? thanks.

  7. There are some nice new features! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Is there an upgrade guide for the step from 1.1.8 to 1.2.0?

    It took me some time to figure out that the send_emails.php was moved from core/ to scripts/.

  8. OpenUAS congratulates the team for getting this version released. Implementing all the changes is marvelous achievement. The MantisBT team can be very proud to have inplemented the plugin into the codebase without breaking the upgrade process. Fantastic!

  9. “-Implemented a plugin system with many plugins already released [2]”

    Where do I get the “many” plugins at? I know 1.2 comes with like 3-4 plugins….but is there a plugins download page or at least a thread in the forum for user-build plugins?

  10. Hi,

    I have a question regarding John’s Source Integration plugin. I understand from your documentation and his screenshots you can close issues (or not) by typing “issue #123” (or whatever else you chose in that regex).

    Can you clarify whether I will be able to change the status of an issue depending on what the commit message is? For example, Id like to be able to type “fixed #123” and automatically set an issue to “resolved”, but if I just type “#123” the status should not be changed, only a note added.

    This could of course be extended even further such as “assign #123 somename” thereby reasigning the issue to somename.

    Our developers are notoriously adamant to using bugtrackers properly, but strangely enough take the time to write proper commit messages – this could be a solution!

  11. Mantis 1.3 is going to be a looong time from now. The 1.2.x series is just getting started.

  12. How can mantis 1.2.0 compatible with mantis 1.1.6 database?
    Because the update is complete, mantis 1.2.0 that it could not use the current database of information

  13. Please I need talk with somebody in Spanish about control bugs to my store please call me to phone:(512)2947791.Thanks.

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