Screen capture tool for Mantis Windows users

Good news for Mantis users with Windows client desktops.  A Cropper plugin is now available to allow you to easily take screenshots (for specified regions) and send them directly to an issue into Mantis.  This tool has a dependency on MantisConnect which is now shipped as part of Mantis 1.1.0x releases.  The tool can be download from here. Continue reading “Screen capture tool for Mantis Windows users”

Mantis 1.1.0rc1 Released

Are we there yet? Well almost! I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about when 1.1.0 gold will be out. We are almost there, with the arrival of the rc1 release, we are now in feature freeze and have already branched the code. Hence, any new development will now go into 1.2.0 code base and the 1.1.0 branch will only get critical bug fixes and localization updates. This will allow us to quickly reach the proven stability status and hence be able to release 1.1.0 gold. I am optimistic that this can happen pretty quick since this rc1 came after four alpha releases that were deployed in a lot of production sites including our own official bug tracker. Continue reading “Mantis 1.1.0rc1 Released”

Mantis 1.1.0a4 Released

This is the fourth alpha release for Mantis 1.1.0. It is likely to be the last alpha. The next release is planned to be an rc1 release with which we will branch the code and implement a feature freeze. This release has more than 100 features and bug fixes including addition of MantisConnect SOAP API, Twitter integration, permalink filters, MediaWiki integration, custom relationships, more reporting in summary page, project info page, 6 security fixes and a lot of other fixes and improvements. It is a recommended upgrade for all 1.1.0aX installations. Continue reading “Mantis 1.1.0a4 Released”