MantisBT Moving to Github

Hi all,

I’d like to announce that as of now, the primary Git repositories for the MantisBT project are hosted at Github [1], using the “mantisbt” organization for all official code repositories. I’ve also renamed the development tools repository from “mantisbt-dev” to “mantisbt-tools” for sake of clarity. Commit emails will now be sent to the mantisbt-cvs list from rather than Continue reading “MantisBT Moving to Github”

MantisBT 1.3.x to produce XHTML strict output

Work is well underway towards modernising the user interface of MantisBT. The first step being taken towards this goal is to ensure that MantisBT 1.3.x produces XHTML strict page output. Bug #12545 tracks progress towards removing deprecated HTML 4 (and earlier) features from MantisBT page output and replacing them with modern equivalents. Continue reading “MantisBT 1.3.x to produce XHTML strict output”

X-Content-Security-Policy now fully implemented in MantisBT 1.3.x

In November of 2010 I provided a progress update on work performed to ensure MantisBT 1.3.x fully supports the X-Content-Security-Policy feature of Firefox 4. At the time, MantisBT was only providing partial support of X-Content-Security-Policy due to a large amount of inline JavaScript contained within pages MantisBT was returning to clients. I am pleased to report that as of late December 2010, MantisBT no longer produces inline JavaScript in page outputs. Continue reading “X-Content-Security-Policy now fully implemented in MantisBT 1.3.x”